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"you guys don't seem to understand," jisung started once minho stepped into the dark room, the younger shot up from the sofa and stood in front of the mafia leader, "my brother, he will come there no matter what, it doesn't matter how many men you will put in front of the door, gates, he will get through them and you all will be locked up, don't you get it?!"

minho looked at the younger, the midnight shone brightly on the youngers side profile and minho leaned forward a little, a soft smile playing on his face, he admired the youngers beauty. jisung looked so angry yet so vulnerable at the same time, he looked like he was on the verge of tears and that amused minho. 

suddenly the older threw himself on the doctor and jisung yelped in surprised, because now minho was literally hugging him so lightly yet so comforting, jisung tried to shake the male off, but to his surprise minho just chuckled and once he straightened up, he made his way to the shared bathroom. 

"is he drunk..." jisung mumbled and sat down on the sofa, holding his knees close to his chest.

once minho was done showering, jisung was already sound asleep. minho walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair with the towel and smiled when he saw that the younger was already sleeping. then, minho collected his belongings, such as his phone, charger, laptop, pillow, blanket and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

"minho hyung?" a voice scared the shit out of minho, there stood seungmin with his cute fluffy puppy pjs set, he was holding a glass of water, so minho guessed the guy was already on his way to sleep.

minho cleared his throat and looked around awkwardly, as if a little kid who was just caught eating candies without permission, "yes?" 

"why are you coming out of your bedroom with a pillow and a blanket? is something wrong?" seungmin asked concerned, "is it because of the doctor ?"

the moment those words left seungmins' mouth minho swore the world stopped for a quick second and everything went blur, was he perhaps for real falling for that boy? if the answer was no, then why did he hug the male before going to the shower and why is he leaving his own room now, to sleep somewhere else?

however, he brushed the feeling off by simply chuckling, "he's such a cry baby, i can't stand his nonsenses, so i will sleep in the guest room." minho said smiling, "sleep well, seungmin." was the last thing he said before walking off.

if minho was sober earlier, he was far from that now. who knows how many bottles he had drunk in this past hour while staying in the guest room. he sat there by the window and laughed at himself, a few bottles laying down by his side.

"han jisung, what the hell are you doing to me..." 

"everybody, quick get into your places!" felix shouted as many workers were running around the living room, trying to make it look like a good place to get married at. "changbin, can you please help me out with the bodyguards that are outside? i need you to count them, make sure we are not missing any." once he finished changbin was nowhere to be seen as he rushed through the door to do his duty.

felix sighed looking around and spotted jisung talking with seungmin, "what are you two talking about?" he suddenly popped up into their conversation and seungmin rolled his eyes, "escape plan." he jokingly said, but felix didn't laugh.

in fact he looked jisung dead in the eye and smirked, "try that and you are dead meat." felix simply said and walked away from the two. 

"i don't think i will get used to this." jisung said and seungmin chuckled, "just until the election is done." jisung looked at the boy confused.

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