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a very tired jisung walked out of the surgery room, everyone quickly surrounded the boy and chan was the first one to hug him. "it's okay..." chan mumbled into his ear.

jisung looked around and saw everyones' worried faces, he sighed, "he will be alright... they are cleaning up and he will be returned to the patients room where you will be able to visit him." he mumbled everything and walked past everyone, ignoring chans' calls.

he slowly made his way into his office room and made sure to lock the door behind him. he dropped on the coach sighing.

jisung tiredly closed his eyes and didn't even feel when he fell asleep.

mrs. lee hurriedly followed the nurses who took minho into a different room, she bowed politely to the workers and entered the room when she was allowed to.

the woman sat next to minhos' bed, hot tears streaming down her well aged face. she missed her little minho, the minho she remembers, the times they had together when she was still with her husband and not in other mens' arms.

she saw her whole life flash before her eyes when seungmin came into her room and told her everything what had happened.

she thought she will lose minho again, this time forever.

the woman took her sons' hand into her own softlyrubbing it with her thumb, "i'm so sorry, my sweet boy." she said softly, hyunjin, who was sitting besides her, gently rubbed her back, making sure she knew she wasn't alone and that he was there for her.

"he will be alright, mom." he said smiling sadly, "you should go back home with the boys, me and seungmin will stay here until the morning in case minho hyung wakes up." he finished.

chan, who was silently standing in the doorway, cleared his throat, "i can take you back home safe, mrs. lee."

the woman looked at his destination and smiled sadly, "chan... my sweet boy, i'm so sorry for whatever happened to jisung. i didn't know he was your brother, i remember when you and minho would come to our place and study together, you would always leave early to make sure your brother has dinner and all." she said.

"it's ok, mrs. lee, jisung doesn't know me and minho have a past..." chan said looking down.

she smiled, "it's better he doesn't know about it. he would be so heartbroken to know minho was involved in your parents murder..." she sighed. "they were horrible to you two, but they were your parents still, it would break him."

"w-what..." a broken voice could be heard behind chan.

jisung stood there, broken expression on his face, chan immediately hugges his little brother, "jisung..."

but jisung didn't want this. he pushed chan away and looked between them all, "you knew this?" he looked at seungmin, who mumbled a small 'i'm sorry'. "i can't believe this..." jisung scoffed and ran away as fast as he could.

he wanted to be on his own.
to collect his thoughts.
to make up his mind.

mrs. lee sighed, "now he knows..."

chan smiled sadly, "he will be alright, don't worry about him, mrs. lee and go home to rest, please."

a couple of days passed, jisung was nowhere to be seen. he sent a quick informal message to chan though, saying he will stay by the beach for a week or so, and to keep him updated about minho.

minho was doing better, he woke up the next morning, asking about jisung but everyone just said the boy was too busy to visit the older at the moment.

today, however, hyunjin thought it was about time minho finds out the truth about why jisung is not visiting him.

"minho hyung, jisung knows about his parents." he simply said.

minho, who was laying on the bed, looked at his brother confused, "is this why he..."

"yes." hyunjin sighed. "he needs time."

minho just nodded and let out a deep breath, "can you give me my phone?"

hyunjin did as told and minho was quick to check for any missed calls or messages. nothing. jisung didn't even reach out to him once.

he sighed putting his phone down. suddenly the door to his hospital room opened and jisung walked in with a small box of chocolate cake.

"hi..." jisung mumbled placing the box next to minho, "how have you been?"

minho looked at the boy as if he was insane, "jisung, i'm so sorry i didn't tell you earlier."

"shh, it's alright." jisung said, cold expression on his puzzled face, "i came to say something i couldn't simply say by the phone."

minho nodded, "what is it?"

"let's go no contact. i'm happy you are doing alright and all, but i can't be in the same room, house, as you right now." jisung said, "i already filled in for the divorce," he continued and threw some papers on minhos' bed, "sign them."

hyunjin looked between the two with his jaw almost hitting the floor.

minho started to almost tear up, "jisung you don't want this."

"how do you know what i want, when you never ask about it?"

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