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minho rolled his eyes after hearing the information from changbin. "one day he yells at me for keeping him hostage and then he says he wants to stay? how does that even make sense..."

changbin just looked apologetically at his hyung and smiled softly, "you know, maybe the boy fell in love..." he sang in a sweetest tone ever, to which minho just glared.

"changbin do you want to be dead?" the older said smiling sarcastically. 

they were both casually hanging out in the living room, waiting for others to arrive and just spend their friday eve chilling, catching up and playing board games. a little tradition that they had before even joining the mafia.

soon laughter filled the area as felix and seungmin came into the room with snacks in their hands, felix was telling another not-so-funny joke to seungmin, but the younger still laughed as in showing the freckled male that he was listening.

they settled down on the coach and felix turned to minho, "what are we watching tonight, hyung?"

minho just shrugged his shoulders, "you guys can decide." he shortly said and a scream echoed through the room, minho sighed "can we go a day without screaming and shouting..."

hyunjin, minhos' younger brother, came into the room and screamed in a happy tone once he spotted seungmin on the coach. 

"my babyyy, you are here too !!" he sang happily, to which the puppy- alike boy just gagged, "hyunjin i told you to stop calling me those names..."

hyunjin pouted while sitting down next to the younger, "and why should i? you are literally my boyfriend, seungminnie."

"you will be the end to me one day." seungmin mumbled, even though he loved the fact that his boyfriend had a soft spot for him only, hyunjin always treated him right, the blonde healed seungmins' past relationship traumas and helped him grow as a person.

minho looked at the two from a far, smiling to himself. he wanted to be like that with jisung too one day.


shaking his head, minho returned his focus to his friends, "hope you guys won't mind it much, but i invited soyeon to join us tonight." he said and the guys looked between each other.

"of course, she's our friend too after all!" felix happily said, "so me and changbinnie decided to watch 'my liberation notes' you know the k-drama? appareantly it's really good, i saw people praising it on tiktok." he finished smiling.

seungmin seemed to be deep in thought, "yeah, i think i was talking about the same drama with jisung." he mumbled.

"speaking of jisung, how is he?" hyunjin jumped in, "solari, i mean mom, told me about him since i was abroad when you kidnapped him, minho hyung." he glared at minho.

minho looked at the younger with shocked eyes, "me? i kidnapped him? huh!" minho rolled his eyes in disbelief, "i didn't kidnap him, why would i kidnap such a snob." he mumbled the last part, but hyunjin still caught it.

the younger sighed, "minho, mom told me everything, if you like him... just say that. there's nothing wrong with having those feelings, seriously, we will support you."

the leader looked at his brother like he had gone crazy or something, how could he even say things like that, or even worse, imagine minho falling for jisung. unbelievable.

"guys, can we watch the movie already." changbin whined and minho nodded in agreement. 

just in time soyeon walked through the door with soju bottles in her hand. "hey boys!"

minho smiled at the sighed of his tattoo artist entering the room.

the time flew by quick, felix and changbin went to sleep, leaving hyunjin, seungmin, minho and soyeon in the living room.

the four were now simply drinking soju and talking about life, love, their childhood, future plans and other random shit they could think of.

suddenly soyeon turned to minho, "how's the guy i tattooed last time?" she simply asked and minho seemed to tense.

not everyone knew about jisungs' tattoo, hyunjin didn't know.

"felix got finally got a tattoo?" the blonde chuckled and minho looked at him with a serious face.

"jisung got one."

hyunjin looked between the people in the room and chuckled in shock, "really? what kind of tattoo?"

"rose." minho simply said looking at the male.

hyunjin stood up quickly enough after hearing that, "minho! are you serious?"

the older just nodded and took another sip of his drink.

"i must meet him, where is he?" hyunjin said turning to face seungmin, "bring me to him, i know you know where he is."

minho rolled his eyes, "have you lost your mind? the tattoo means nothing."

"it's you who had lost the clear mind, minho. rose tattoo means you are basically confessing your love to him. as long as i know you know the boy not so long, so he must be extremely charming that you fell for him so quick." hyunjin said sitting back down.

soyeon laughed silently and looked at hyunjin, "he really is charming, he's such a kind young man, i'm sure you two would get along, i mean he even gets along with that menace so..." she finished off rolling her eyes at seungmin.

"not my fault you ate my ice cream that one time. you made me hate you yourself, soyeon." he scoffed and the room filled with soft laughed.

somehow, no one noticed the figure standing by the door. 

jisung watched the four from a far, smiling to himself. he couldn't explain why and how, but he felt like he and minho had met before, that feeling appeared the night snakes was in the mansion. he felt as if he and minho had a past together, or something like that. 

that's one of the many reasons why he decided to stay, the main one being curiosity.

fortunately to him, one of minhos' cats ran by him and meowed, bringing the attention to where he was standing.


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