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jisung quickly recognized the owner of the voice and looked up, locking eyes with his hyung, with chan.

chan hurriedly made his way towards the stressing boy and hugged him tight, "it's ok, hyung is here now. breathe." 

minho watched the two with a stinging heart. he allowed chan to hug him but not minho? he felt jealous for some reason. one minute he was annoyed by jisungs' precense but in this exact moment he wanted to take care of the younger, to hug him as tight as chan did and say things such as 'everything will be ok' or 'minho is here for you'. but he couldn't. 

chan looked at minho and cleared his throat loudly enough to catch the boys' attention, "what happened?" he harshly asked, confident that it was minhos' fault. 

"we were just talking and he began to act strange, i didn't do anything." minho explained. 

however, chan didn't buy this explanation, "minho, his last panic attack was ages ago, you most definitely did something to make him react the way he did. can you recall your conversation?"

minho seemed to be in thought but then slowly shook his head, "maybe the question triggered him..." minho mumbled and chan looked at him with confused expression on his face.

"what question?"

minho chuckled, "ah, i was joking around-"

"lee minho, what question are you talking about?"

minho looked at jisung and then back at chan, "well, he asked if i was drunk or high and i simply joked something like 'are you worried i might overdose?', it was something like that."

chan just sighed at that, softly caressing jisungs' back, who was now sound asleep in chans' embrace. the older really knew how to calm jisung down with just actions. 

"your joke wasn't funny, it caused jisung to react that way. don't joke about overdosing when jisung is around." chan warned and minho nodded his head in understandment.

chan was looking at his brother peacefully sleep when minho suddenly cleared his throat, "i think you should stay with him tonight." minho said, "i mean, take him home and all..." he clarified upon seeing chans' confused look.

"i will." chan said and simply picked the man in his arms up and with that he left the kitchen area.

minho swore something inside him broke when watching the scene. it was for the best. jisung will only cause trouble if he stays here, minho will have to look after him and it would be hard to not involve jisung more into the mafia.

hyunjin looked at the male that was now leaving the mansion as if he was some kind of a criminal, "did he just... kidnap jisung?" he mumbled and seungmin chuckled, "no, dummy, why would he kidnap his own brother."

"maybe because his own brother was kidnapped by the most wanted mafia in south korea?" soyeon sarcastically said.

minho entered the living room, eyeing all of them, "i think we should call it a night."

hyunjin scoffed, "explain what happened, why the bodyguards did nothing when that dude literally took away your husband." he said with arms crossed, to which minho just sighed.

"it's a fake marriage after all, besides, tomorrow we have an important meeting, it is better for jisung to stay out of all of this." minho said and left the room.


the sun shining hit jisung right in the eye, the boy just mumbled some nonsenses under his breath and cuddled himself more into the soft, warm blankets. he slowly opened one of his eyes and jumped upon seeing the room. 

"am i in a dream? why am i in channies' room." he quickly mumbled and looked around once more, then hurriedly rubbed his eyes just to make sure he was seeing things right.

just in time the door opened, revealing chan with a tray in his hand. "good morning, sung." he said smiling.

"chan, why am i here?" jisung blurted out.

chan sat down and placed the tray of food besides jisung, "what? aren't you happy to be back home?" 

jisung thought for a little and sighed, slowly looking down at his lap, "i mean i am, but hyung, i really need to stay in that mansion... i feel like me and minho have a past and it's just me who doesn't remember anything." he softly said.

"jisung you are talking nonsenses, eat your food and go back to sleep." chan said standing up.

the doctor quickly looked up, "no, chan, i'm serious. i need to stay there, minho needs me."

chan rolled his eyes, "jisung do you hear yourself? have you gone crazy?" he scoffed, "a criminal doesn't need you."

"they are not bad guys, hyung. they don't kill innocent." jisung tried to explain, but chan seemed to not hear his words as he interrupted the boy and continued his own lecture, "jisung it's dangerous, it's way too dangerous to stay in a freaking mansion with lots of men who know how to kill people and get away with it, which part don't you understand?" 

jisung just sighed and picked his pancakes up, "why am i even here..."

"because you had a panic attack, caused by nobody else than minho himself." chan strictly said and jisung looked up at his older brother.

"i'm sure it was not his intention though..." jisung said softly and chan rolled his eyes for the nth time.

soon after the older left the room and jisung was left alone, again.

he ate his food and once he was finished he put the tray on the table besides the bed and noticed his phone, which he hurriedly grabbed. 

jisung sat up straight and was going through all of the missed calls from his colleagues and friends, he then opened instagram and searched up one specific person. 

that's what he did for the rest of the morning, he stalked the lee minho on the internet to find out more about him. he was his husband after all.

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