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jisung scoffed as if seungmin was telling some kind of a sick joke to him, "what do you mean, seung?"

"that you should stay at your brothers' place and not go out," seungmin stopped for a second and jisung could hear someone talking with his friend, "jisung are you in the hospital right now?" seungmin asked sighing.

jisung chuckled, "yeah, how do you know?"

"san just informed me, the media followed you there," seungmin said, "can you give me the address, san?" he whispered and the man next to him nodded. 

"i'm dead ass serious, han, if you don't do what i'm telling you to do, you will be dead meat by the end of this day." seungmin deadpanned. 

jisung gulped visibly, "i just came to the hospital, i missed working..." he mumbled and the boy on the other side of the phone sighed. "i'm coming, stay in the hospital." and with that the call ended.

the doctor bowed politely to the patients and made his way to the bathroom, he needed to wash up a little. 

so that's what he did, after entering the room he immediately went to the sink and washed his face with cold water. what he had gotten himself into...

he knew that living under lee minhos' roof won't bring piece to his life, but he didn't think it would be that frightening. he had stalkers? why? he did nothing after all.

a phone ringing interrupted his calls, he shakily picked his phone and answered the call, not even glancing who was the caller.

"where are you?"

jisung stood there dumbfounded, "why do you care?" he scoffed, the other male sighed, "doctor quit playing cat and mouse with me, where are you?" 

"don't tell me what to do, lee minho. i'm in my workplace, why?" jisung said leaving the bathroom and making his way towards the elevator. 

suddenly someone grabbed him by the wrist and pulled closer, "hey!" jisung shouted at the sudden action, once he looked up he was met with no one other than minho himself.

the male looked furious, jisung gulped and tried to get out of the mans' grip, but minho just held his hand tightly. "let me go, min, it hurts." jisung whined.


minho stood there for a hot minute and the sighed, loosening his grip around jisungs' wrist. "han jisung, you are a one big headache for me." he mumbled.

"oh yeah? then why did you come here? why bother checking up on me?" jisung tsked, "besides, where is seungmin? he said he will be there soon..." the doctor said looking around.

minho looked at the younger with soft eyes, but that quickly changed back to the dark intimidating gaze once they locked eyes, "so? where is he?" jisung asked again.

"outside." minho simply said, before turning on his heel and dragging jisung outside of the hospital. 

jisung tried to resist, "hey! i have work." 

the older simply rolled his eyes, "you are my husband, you don't need to work."

the other stopped abruptly, causing minho to turn around and look at him, "excuse you? who are you to tell me what to do and what not to do? my body, my soul, my mind, my choices belongs to me. you can't just decide my future, besides, once this bullshit ends we will forget the other existed and move on with our daily lives." jisung shouted. 

"your body, your soul, your mind and even your choices are what effects my daily life too. don't you see what happened? local gangs are after you, it's too dangerous for you to be walking down the streets as if nothing around you is happening," minho shouted back, "stop causing a scene and get in the car. now." 

jisung stood there, eyes watering by each and every word minho said, "why do you even care, huh?"

minho sighed for the nth time, "i had the choice to end your life for once and always, but i didn't-"

"that's just because i was useful." jisung interrupted him, "i know that u only 'tolerated' me because of my ex, because of snakes. you used me to catch him. so why do you care now huh? he's dead, gone, what else do you want from me?"

jisungs' frustating rant was quickly ended by soft lips landing on his own ones. the youngers' eyes went wide open at minhos' sudden action.

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