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"this cafe is so cute!" jisung said as they walked into a cat cafe, an orange fur ball immediately welcomed him as it came running to the boy.

minho watched the scene with a smile on his face. this felt normal. he felt normal. yet there was a gun in his coat, in case he needs to use it. 

they walked in and took a seat next to the window. soon enough they ordered a cheesecake for jisung and a chocolate one for minho, following iced americanos. 

"this is nice..." minho mumbled and jisung smiled to himslef, "only because you are here with me, of course." he finished.

jisung rolled his eyes playfully, "the tables took a quick turn, never have i ever thought we would be going on dates and stuff..."

"hmm, you say it." 

the younger looked at minho for a little while and adored his features, when a thought suddenly ran through his mind, "what is the meeting about tonight?" he spoked softly.

"you already know." minho said and bowed as the waitress placed their order down, jisung immediately eating his slice of cake. "i don't want to continue living in constant stress and fear of everything going down in one go. i'm tired of this lifestyle."

jisung smiled softly, "if that's what you really want i will support you, but i would stay and support you even if you decided to continue this lifestyle. i hope you know this, minho."

the older nodded, "i do want this." he said smiling back at jisung. 

after their little cafe date, the two went to the arcade. currently, jisung was trying to win some type of a toy from the machine, unfortunately though. 

"this machine is stupid!" jisung shouted and minho chuckled, "let me try."

it seemed like minho had magical hands, as soon as he touched that machine, every toy jisung once wanted was won, by minho.

"there you go." minho said smiling, giving the 5th toy to a very bubbly jisung. 

"you are amazing, hyung!" jisung said excitedly. 

however, their sweet moment was ruined as quickly as it began due to a sound of a gun shot. minho was shot right under his knee.

jisung was quick enough to look around and kneel down to a hurt minho, the look on minhos' face was screaming for jisung to get out of there. people were running around the arcade, terrified. everyone was trying to get out of there as soon as possible. not jisung though.

he couldn't leave minho there on his own, "stay with me, hyung..." he said, tears already forming in his eye corners. he quickly dialed their drivers number, explained what happened and waited for the driver to arrive, to take minho into the hospital.

as soon as they arrived, jisung made his way to his own office to put on his working clothes. a nurse walked in, after knocking of course, "dr. han, i don't think it's a good idea for you to attend the surgery." yuna said.

jisung sighed, "yuna, i have to, it's my job."

"he's your husband, right?" yuna said worriedly, "you will be way too sensitive to concentrate, jisung-ah i'm worried about you, please let us all handle it."

the doctor looked at the girl and smiled softly, "it will be just fine, yeah. he will be fine, i will be fine. it's alright, don't worry about me. is everyone ready?"

yuna nodded and followed jisung out the room. "promise to leave the room if you feel uneasy." jisung hummed in response. 

the operation began, they needed to take the bullet out and do some sewing there and there. jisung texted the group chat about what happened, asking the boys to come and bring mrs. lee with them.

and so they did, they were all patiently waiting in outside the surgery room. chan trying to calm mrs. lee down.

yes, chan also came, he knew how stressed jisung must be and he wanted to be there for his brother. definitely not because he was worried about his school mate as well. 

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