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jisung walked into the mansion, looking around. all the faces he saw now, he saw only one his social media.

a voice interrupted his thoughts, a very familiar one too.

"hey girl!" hyunjin appeared, "oh, jisung, long time no see!"

jisung swore the world stopped for a hot minute. why was he in front of minhos' little brother and what kind of a party was this.

yuna looked over at jisung and then at hyunjin, "hey hyunjin!" she greeted the boy back, "sorry we are late, we had work earlier."

"it's alright, come on in."

jisung swore his body was possessed or something, his mind was screaming to turn away and go back home yet his body followed hyunjin.

as soon as minho spotted the figure behind hyunjin his breath got stuck in his throat. the world stopped and everything went quiet.

"you can sit down here." hyunjin said, pulling both boys out of their thoughts.

jisung and yuna were sat at seungmins', hyunjins', chans' and jeongins' table. while minho sat next to felix, changbin, solari and solaris' girlfriend.

the two sat down and chan greeted his younger brother, jisung doing the same.

minho cleared his throat, trying to grab everyones' attention. "hi everyone, i'm lee minho, the owner of a brand named 'versace'. first of all, i wanted to thank you all for giving up your sweet time and being here with me tonight, that means a lot," he said looking everywhere but jisung.

"so many things had to happen in order for me to stand here tonight. so many connections were lost," he finally looked at jisung," yet so many were made." he looked around again.

"i'm forever grateful to anyone who stayed by my side, thank you." he said smiling, "i want you all to have fun tonight, relax and just enjoy the moment. after dinner, the dance floor and drinks will be waiting for you." he finished bowing and sitting down.

a couple of hours passed. jisung was already tipsy, whereas minho was sober.

"yuna, i will head to get one more drink, do you want one?" jisung asked the girl, who just shook her head.

without any word jisung left the table and made his way towards the bar, but to his luck, he bumped into something, or more like someone.

"sorry." jisung immediately bowed and apologised.

minho swore his breath hitched upon hearing the voice he missed the most.

"how have you been?" he asked and jisung looked up with saddened eyes.

minho looked deeply into jisungs' eyes, waiting for some kind of response.

"lee minho, everytime i think of you i remember everything that came with you, the pain, the happiness, the betrayal..." jisung chuckled, "this is dumb." he said, ready to walk off.

but a firm grip on his wrist stopped him from walking away, he turned to face minho, who was already looking at him.

"why don't we forget everything just for tonight?" minho breathed out. "what?"

"remind me, jisung, why are we taking a break? we both know what we want, so why don't we fall in love again, just for tonight?" minho finished.

jisung for real thought the older was high or something, "are you drunk?" jisung spat out.

"i'm tired of pretending i don't miss you calling my name," minho whispered looking at jisungs' lips, " i'm tired of pretending i don't miss the sweet moments we shared." he looked the younger straight in the eyes, "i'm tired of pretending like i don't miss you." he leaned in.

the world around them span way too quickly, jisung swore he was sober now. the drink he wanted long forgotten. the only thing he could think of right now was the look in minhos' eyes when he leaned in and connected their lips together.

oh how much jisung missed this. how he missed minho, his touch.

they seemed to be so lost in the moment, they forget there was about hundred of people around them, including their friends.

once the two pulled apart, jisung looked up at the older, dumb smile laying on the others' face.

"please, i want us to work this time." minho whispered, "just let me show you how much i missed us, jisung. you won't regret any of this. i promise."

jisung looked around the room. everyones' eyes were on them, wyes filled with hope and worry.

the shorter looked at minho again and smiled sadly, "i can't, i'm sorry."

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