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two years. two years passed. the two were constantly going out and hanging out together.

jisung grew more and more in love with minho as each day passed but, and so did the older.

but still, they weren't dating. no one popped the big question yet.

the boys were on their way to a vacation as 8. jisung was so bubbly this morning, he was too tired to have a conversation with anyone and yet they were in the airport, waiting for their flight to greece.

they wanted to spend some time as a group since they were all too busy with their works to hang out nowadays. since it was july, they thought it would be the perfect time for travels, and greece was on their bucket list.

"i can't wait to make even more memories with you guys." felix suddenly spoke, bringing jisung back to reality from his light sleep.

seungmin chuckled, "don't we all?"

"i would rather stay at home, in my bed." jisung mumbled.

"your bed or minhos' bed?" changbin questioned and jisung was wide awake now. "what are you even saying." he mumbled while standing up and making his way towards the bathroom.

seungmin turned to face minho, "when are you asking him to be your boyfriend?"

the older simply shrugged, "when the timing is right."

"you will die single with that mindset of yours." chan said, "this trip is the right timing, ask him tonight, when we go out to eat dinner."

minho rolled his eyes, "it has to be special, just us. without you idiots." he jokingly said.

"what's so funny?" jisung asked as he returned from the bathroom and everyone was giggling and shit.

"nothing," minho said, gesturing for the boy to sit down next to him, "get some rest."

as soon as they arrived to their hotel, jisung was way too excited to share the room with minho than he should've been.

"why are you so happy, hm?" minho chuckled.

jisung rolled his eyes, "sharing a room with your crush? sounds like a story straight out of wattpad." jisung joked, "no but seriously, at least i will get good sleep during this vacation, the others are too loud."

minho nodded in agreement, unpacking his luggage.

"what are our plans for tonight?" jisung asked and minho hummed, "we are free to rest until dinner, then we will go to the beach and have dinner there. chan found a restaurant nearby."

jisung sighed, "do you mind if i nap then? i'm so tired from last nights shift." minho chuckled, "rest well, sung."

"this is so beautiful!" jisung shouted, taking his phone out to take dozens of photos of the scenery in front of him.

they were at the beach and the sunset was beyond beautiful, it was almost like a wallpaper you would see posted on pinterest.

"can you take a photo of me?" he asked minho, to which the older nodded.

once they were done admiring the scene, they made their way to the restaurant, it was so calm there.

tourists were having small chats there and there, enjoying the calmness of the area.

the eight found their table and say down, quickly ordering various of meals.

everyone were lost in their own conversations to notice the two males staring deeply into each other. jisung was sitting in front of minho and smiling softly at the older.

their feet touching time by time under the table, minho was smiling back.

he was ready to ask jisung tonight.

once they were finished with their dinner, they walked around the area and had some fun at the arcade.

"i'm feeling tired, could we return now?" jeongin asked chan softly and the older nodded, informing everyone they were going back to the hotel.

minho nodded, "we all should head back now, it's getting late."

he sounded so calm, yet he was the most nervous in the group at the moment.

as soon as they entered their room jisung jumped onto the bed, sighing deeply. "i'm sooo tired~" he whined.

minho walked in slowly, roses in his hand, jisung quickly sat up.

"what's happening?" he asked, confusion written on his face.

minho took a deep breath in, "han jisung, may i be your boyfriend?" he finally asked.

jisung screamed like a little fangirl and shot up to hug minho, shouting a few "yes!" at the same time, to which minho just chuckled happily.


anddd end !! god i thought it will take forever to finish this book, but luckily i had motivation to write everything tonight.

thank you everyone for reading this story, for the votes, comments and nice messages.

how was it? did you like the book?

love you, look forward to my new stories !!

minxdel 🩷

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