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minho cleared his throat, "is this about me being a criminal or about mine and your brothers' love story, officer bang?" 

"han jisung is involved with you, we must collect the information about your connection as well." chan said, sending a quick glare to the male in front of him, "tell me, lee minho, why did you kidnap han jisung?"

minho sighed and visibly relaxed in his chair, "i didn't kidnap him, we were seeing each other and decided to spontaneously get married, why do you keep saying i kidnapped him? he came to me because he wanted to." he said simply.

chan seemed to be lost in thought as he stopped writing down whatever minho was saying, "did he know about your past?" he coldly asked, his voice breaking in between.

"he did." minho lied again.

chan looked up, "why did you kill 'snakes'?"

without any hesitation minho answered, "because that shithead- sorry, because he did a lot of bullshit, he hurt many people who didn't deserve it, snakes used to kidnap kids and sell them to nasty men to please themselves. and yet you still think i did something wrong here by ending his dirty jobs?" minho scoffed.

"yes, he did horrific things, but you are no better." chan said, "everyone here knows about your rumor."

"exactly, a rumor." minho chuckled, but his face went back to a serious one when chan maintained a cold expression, "you seriously believe i kidnapped that girl and raped her?" 

chan sat up straight, "minho, you are a criminal-"

"so what if i murder monstrous men, i ain't hurting anyone like that ever, never have i ever touched anoyone without their permission." minho grew frustrated.

chan just sighed at his sudden outburst, "minho... we've known each other since forever, you know i never trusted you and never will. i will put the end to your dirty games and plans one day."

"and that's a you problem," minho spat," why should i care about you not trusting me? you don't know nothing about me, you just know what they type on the internet. do you even know what snakes did to han jisung, your brother? no you don't, yet you say i'm a horrible person."

"you need to calm down."

"wanna know how jisung reacted when he saw snakes in my study room?" minho scoffed, terrifying look playing on his awfully beautiful face, "the poor boy shook in fear. yeah, he did. ask jisung himself, he will say it is true."

jisung was rushing, he quickly walked to the cell minho was in and the officer unlocked the door, before mumbling '5 minutes'. 

"minho !" the boy shouted while running in for a hug.

minho was taken by surprise, just a weeks ago he was nothing to jisung, or so he thought. 

it has been a few weeks since minho was locked up and jisung finally got the chance to see the boy. through out this time jisung found out a lot about minho, he already knew minho was not that bad of a person, but he also found out minho was not on good terms with his mother, she never really cared about the boy, that's why she was so excited when she saw jisung, she thought jisung will help her get minho back.

when minho was just 14, he murdered a man for the first time, he murdered a man that killed his grandma, who took care of minho since he was just a little boy. she was like a mother to him, since his real one was busy pleasing men.

jisung also figured that minho knew about jisung since he was around 17, which seemed crazy to the doctor, he knew nothing about minho yet the older knew almost everything about him. minho knew about him simply because of his accomplishments, but also because he was under snakes spell too.

the doctor spent nights rotting in minhos' room, flipping pages of numerous journals, photo albums and documents, that helped him to get to know minho better.

and let me tell you, he fell head over heels. he was in need of vitamin called lee minho, he wanted to hug the man, to tell him that jisung will support him, even if that meant jisung would need to cut contact with chan. jisung was ready to risk it all.

"jisung?" minho mumbled, breaking the hug. "why are you here?"

the called man just stood there dumbfounded, stupid smile laying on his face. "i missed you." he whispered and something inside minho ached. 

it felt so nice and comforting to hear it for the first time in years, but why did it hurt so bad at the same time?

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