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jisung was sitting in the living room, bunch of different books surrounding him. he didn't even notice when seungmin and felix joined him on the sofa.

"where's hyunjin?" felix suddenly asked, turning to face seungmin, who just shrugged.

jisung jumped to the sudden sound, his right hand immediately flying up to hold his chest, "gosh, felix, you scared the shit out of me."? he mumbled. 

felix simply giggled, "how was your date with minho hyung?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"it wasn't a date ! i just went there because he needed a ride back from the police office..." jisung mumbled the last part. "leave me alone."

"i mean, you came back home mad blushing..." seungmin added to the teasing and chuckled when he saw jisung blush again.

the doctor suddenly stood up, "so what if we kissed?! we kissed as friends !"

"i don't think friends kiss each other." a voice came from the doorway.

there stood a very sleepy minho, yet the smirk on his face was sending the signal that he had been there for a little while. 

jisung almost chocked on his own saliva once he heard the voice. he turned to face the older slowly, "why are you down here! you should be resting." he started to scold minho.

"relax, chubby cheeks, i just wanted to grab a glass of water." minho said, walking past the boy, ruffling his hair in the meantime. 

jisung swore something inside him exploded at the sudden action, and the nickname too.

seungmin and felix watched the two with smiles on their faces, they just completed each other. 

they let minho out only because jisung told them all the proof, with enough evidence. minho was free.

they hadn't done any missions since his comeback, that's why minho was holding an urgent meeting tomorrow, he had some exciting news, as he himself said. 

"do you think he will shut down out little business?" felix suddenly questioned and seungmin chuckled, "maybe, we will find out tomorrow. i don't think so though."

jisung followed minho to the kitchen, now the older was pouring water into a glass and he could feel the younger staring at his bare back, "what?" minho questioned, smirk on his face, "like what you see?"

the younger quickly walked side by side to minho and looked up to him, "i think you shouldn't end the mafia business and all that. you are doing a good job." he suddenly said.

minho was taken by surprise yet again, he glanced at the younger and then back at his glass, "it's too dangerous to continue, jisung." he said, seriousness lingering in his tone as he spoke. "i don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"but i won't!" jisung quickly said, "minho i think... i think i like you, if being in danger means being with you, going to sleep and waking up with you, guns under our pillows and near our bed, bodyguards everywhere we go... i want this, i want to do this if it's with you, minho." jisung finally said it, he finally said how he feels about minho.

minho didn't respond, so jisung continued, "you don't have to say anything to me right now, i-i know that you are not doing anything wrong in this business and i know it is dangerous, but you can't back away just because you were under arrest once. you can't drop everything just because you are... scared." 

"you think i'm scared?"

"that's what it seems like, minho." jisung said, looking into the olders eyes.

minho sighed, turning to face jisung, "heck yeah i am scared, jisung. do you know how scared i was when we found out that gang was after you? or when i saw your expression when you saw snakes in the mansion? god..." he ran a hand through his hair, "i can't risk your life with this, i will cut everything off if it means you will be safe."

jisung was getting ready in his and minhos' shared room, he was looking at himself in the mirror, he dressed up in simple baggy jeans, oversized baby blue hoodie and a simple glasses, to accessories his look completely. 

he and minho were going to the movies, a date.

"you ready, hun?" minho asked walking in and jisung swore his heart did a 360 when he heard the nickname, yet he remained calm, he simply nodded and mumbled a small 'let's go'. 

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