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the kiss was short, yet it told so many things the words couldn't. jisung looked up as minho pulled away, the shorter male immediately pushed minho hard on the chest and started shouting, "who do you think you are?!"

minho is stealing everything. he stole jisungs' freedom, happiness, now his first kiss too?

on the other hand, minho seemed lost in his own world as the male was smiling to himself like the maniac he is, he took a few deep breaths, ignoring the youngers insults and leaned in again.

this time, jisung kissed back almost immediately. it felt so right to him and so wrong at the same time. their sweet moment was interrupted by seungmin coughing, "sorry guys, but we really do need to go... like now."

the two males walked to the car, one blushing like a little fangirl and the other walking confidently with a smile on his face.

once they were all in the car, jisung turned to minho, "is it ok if i inform my brother."

minho simply nodded, "don't worry, i'm sure he's already in the mansion." he added and jisung seemed to be confused for a hot minute.

as soon as they arrived to the mansion, minho was the first to enter it, jisung following closedly behind like a lost puppy. seungmin was still outside, having a chat with felix and changbin.

walking into the living room they saw around 10 police officers, chan included. as quick as chan spotted jisung healthy and well, he sighed and walked closer to his little brother, "jisung, go to my car."

jisung looked between his brother and minho, "what is going on?" he silently mumbled.

minho clenched his jaw and sighed, "why are you demanding what to do and what not to do to my husband?" he spat through gritted teeth, sending shivers down jisungs' spine.

chan, however, wasn't phased by this, he simply chuckled at minho, "your husband? you mean the man you kidnapped and made marry you?" he said, "jisung go before things got dirty here."

"what do you mean, chan hyung?" jisung asked in a small voice, growing more confused by every second spent in the room.

"lee minho is under arrest due to kidnapping han jisung and many other men that were wanted criminals, also because he was selling guns and other weapons, some weed was also found in his study room. this is the end to your dirty games, lee minho." one of the officers said, "and so is the end to all your 'men' that worked for you too, it's about time we put the end to this whole messed up mafia shit." he finished, to which chan just smiled and nodded.

jisung looked horrified, "chan you can't do this !" he shouted as soon as his brother pulled my by the wrist harshly, ready to put the handcuffs on. 

his brother looked at him confused, "jisung you know nothing about this, get out of there, right now." chan said.

"no. you know nothing, chan leave him alone." jisung pleaded, but chan just ignored his nonsense pleading.

as chan walked past jisung, with a handcuffed minho along with him, minho simply winked at the shorter male and walked out with the other officers. jisung was quick to catch up with them and ran outside, as he saw chan making minho sit with him in the car, jisung shouted something that no one would've been expecting to hear.

"chan hyung, i love him." 

chan stopped in his tracks, he slowly turned to face jisung with a cold face, the look in his eyes screamed betrayal, "then watch me put your lover under the bars."

this all made no sense to jisung. minho was getting arrested, but all the older did was help the cops deal with shitty criminals they couldn't catch.

seungmin ran to jisung and embraced him into a warm hug, "it's gonna be ok bubs, don't worry no one will be hurt by this, hm."

"we will go to the investigation room now, you will give us honest answers, understood?" chan firmly said and minho nodded.

as soon as they entered the room, the handcuffs were off minhos' hands and the boy massaged them there and there. 

chan sat in front of where minho was supposed to sit and gestured the male to sit down. to which minho obeyed. 

"let's get this started," chan started, flipping through some pages of his, "lee minho, tell me how did you and han jisung meet."

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