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"is he ready?" minhos' cold voice enchanted in the big room, there already stood all of his men, his family members, and a priest.

just at that time yves entered the room with a wide smile, jisung wandering slowly behind her. "he's here." she said happily.

jisung looked amazing, white suit, perfectly done make up and hair, yet he looked so sad and vulnerable, like he was on the verge of breaking down. but he knew something others didn't in this room. minho, on the other hand, was wearing a black suit, his intimidating aura could be felt in any corner of this room. they looked like black and white swans, for real.

"come on, we don't have all day for this." minho said after checking the smaller out, and jisung did as told, he walked slowly towards minho and the priest.

the priest cleared his throat and started his speech, just when the two grooms had to say their vows something, or more like someone, barged into the room with loud footsteps.

there stood a blonde male, accompanied by a red haired man, they both looked well built and gave off confident aura. jisungs' eyes widened in amusement, he knew chan will find him, but he didn't know that chan will come here with hyunjin, aka his cousin. chan was frrustrated, and so was hyunjin.

every man in the room pulled their guns out, just when some bodygoards came running after the two uninvited guests, except for minho. he stood there with an annoyed smirk on his face and rolled his eyes at jisung, already knowing it was a big mistake giving jisung his phone for a while.

"lee minho you are under arrest for kidnapping han jisung." chan firmly said and minho chuckled, "mr. whatever, i did not kidnap anyone, can you not interrupt a special day for me and my beloved?" minho spat through gritted teeth.

jisung ran towards his brother and smiled widely, soft tears escaping his tired eyes, "chan..." he whispered.

however, minho did not like any part of this game, he harshly pulled jisung by his hand and made his way towards the kitchen, once they were out of everyones sight he harshly pushed jisung into a wall.

"what do you think you are doing, idiot." he spat, jisung saw how quickly minhos' eyes went black, and he suddenly felt hopeless and weak, "do you know how much damage you can cost me for doing such nonsenses? calling your brother? journalists are here, everyone sees everything. you will walk in here and say that you are marrying me because you love me and i love you."

when jisung was about to say something, minho started again, "you don't even know how grateful you should be that i decided to give you a chance, jisung. fuck you don't know." he chuckled, "if i didn't lie to my uncle that we met in italy 2 years ago and fell in love at first sight, you would be dead meat and it wouldn't be by my demand."

just then jisung started to realize how serious this actually is, he has to live with the man he hates for the rest of his life, just because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"minho..." yves entered the kitchen, "don't take it out on him, he's clearly scared." she said softly. 

"good, he should be scared."

she walked forward and pulled jisung into her arms, giving him a warm hug, "listen minho, i care about you and i care about everyone in this family. of course i wouldn't want anything to go against you, but you have to understand that jisung is new to all this bullshit, he still can get out of this-"

"who said he can get out of this?" minho said smiling playfully, "was it you who told him it's a good idea to invite his cop brother here?" 

"minho i just wanted to-"

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