extra ep.

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han jisung was beyond nervous this whole morning, running around the apartment as if he had gone crazy. today was a very special day to him, to minho, to them. 

minho was at his parents' place, getting ready there, while jisung was at their shared apartment, with his friends, brother, his and minhos' cats were there too.

"ji, relax it will all go smoothly." seungmin chuckled at the distressed male, who was now panicking as his corset was not corseting the way he wanted it to.

jisung groaned and plumped down on the bed besides seungmin, "can you believe we are getting married today?" he mumbled.

"we?! will you marry me instead of minho hyung?" seungmin joked and jisung glared at him immediately. the older shot up from the bed and pointed a finger at seungmin, "i will tell hyunjin." after these words left jisungs' mouth seungmin immediately became more serious and quiet.

chan and jeongin walked into the room, hand in hand, jeongin was holding some kind of flowers in the other hand of his. "are you ready to go?" chan softly asked and seungmin nodded, while jisung shook his head.

chan walked up to his brother and chuckled, "what's up, squirrel?" he asked, hugging the other male warmly. jisung scoffed, "i'm sad."

"why are you sad on a day like this?" jeongin asked, walking up to jisung now too.

jisung looked down, "what if he runs away?" he mumbled shyly.

everyone started to laugh like maniacs, jisung looked around angrily like a little kid whose parents' didn't buy him a toy in the store. "stop laughing!" he shouted while angrily throwing a pillow at seungmin.

"you look amazing, minho." mrs. lee said smiling at her son, who was standing in front of the mirror, dressed in all black suit. "i'm so happy for you and jisung." she said, almost tearing up.

minho turned around and hugged his mother, "love you mom."

mrs. lee froze. it has been so long since she heard those words come from minhos' mouth. she sobbed and hugged her son tight. "i love you too, my little prince."

the guests all stood up as the door to the venue opened. there stood jisung with chan beside him. he looked like an angel, with a white suit, nicely done hair, light make up, white daisies in his hand. he walked slowly towards minho, as the older was already tearing up.

jisung walked up to minho and mumbled a small 'hi'. minho chuckled, "hi."

the priest said its' vows and it was time for the two to say theirs, it was an emotional moment for both of them and everyone that witnessed their story and have been there from the very beginning. 

han jisung and lee minho.

the two completely different people, with different life paths, stories, interests, goals. yet they fell for each other. some would say that minho fell first and jisung fell harder, but the reality is the other way around, it was jisung who fell in love with minho first.

here jisung stood now, tears in his eyes as he admired the male in front of him, "lee minho, my best friend and the love of my life." he began, "today, i stand before you, promising to be your sanctuary in the storm, your heaven in peace, and you source of unwavering support. i vow to listen with an open heart and to share my dreams and fears with you through out our journey as two. i promise to be your partner in growth, and your anchor when life's' waters gets tough. with you, i've discovered what real love is about, what it feels to be seen, heard, loved. i vow to love you unconditionally, to choose you every day, and to honor the sacred bond that we share, for now and always. i love you, lee minho."

an applause of cheers and screams echoed through the venue. jisung gently took minhos' hand in his and put the ring on his finger.

minho chuckled, hot tears streaming down his cheeks, "han jisung, today and always, i choose you. i promise to love you more and more as the days run by, to laugh with you when you're happy and cry when you're sad. i promise to guide you when you ask for the directions, to challenge you and sometimes prank you too," soft laughs could be heard, "and allow you to do the same for me. i promise to be your best friend, partner, even in crime. i will be your biggest fan and always listen and compromise as we go through this journey together. i can't wait to do life with you, han jisung."

with that being said, minho mirrored jisungs' actions, he took jisungs' shaky hand in his and put a ring on his finger. 

"you may kiss each other now.

loud cheers erupted the room, everyone was either crying, cheering or taking candid photos of the two, as they stood in front of everyone, jisungs' hands behind minhos' neck and the others' on jisungs' waist as they kissed softly. 


i wrote this as an thank you for 2,5k+ reads ... you guys are amazing, i'm forever grateful to have such amazing readers as you all are. thank you for everything.

yours truly,


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