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Hi guys! It's ya girl dracosputa, I would like to pop in and say thanks for reading this, and I would like to add, my first language isn't english, so if you see some errors please do not attack me, just correct me in the comments, my first language is Spanish, which will be included since Miguel speaks Spanish, but ofc I will have translations.


Disclaimer: Swearing, harassment, and the mention of gore?

POV: Yours

Destination: Cancun, Mexico

Year: 2023

"My wedding is in a few fucking hours and I still haven't had the fun I deserve!" my best friend Melody groaned

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"My wedding is in a few fucking hours and I still haven't had the fun I deserve!" my best friend Melody groaned.

It was her bachlorette party, and all the clubs we went to are playing american music.

We were currently in Mexico, since she wanted a beach style wedding, that is what she's getting.

"Hey what about that place over there?" I asked as I pointed to a small restaurant, "Let's just have a drink! It will be on me." I said with a smile, "But-" "Come on! We can google a couple of places while we drink some shots, then leave!" I said.

Everyone agreed and we walked in the dim lit bar/restaurant.

I went up to the bartender, he was hot, he had a name tag and I read it, "Jose, 15 shots of anything that's strong please." his eyes widened, "Como sabes mi nombre?" he asked (Translation: How do you know my name?) I looked at his name tag, "Oh yeah- forgot." Jose said as he poured all of the shots in a line, "Know anything fun around?" I asked, he nodded, "Yeah, there's a grupo coming in a few minutes, everyone usually dances to that, there is la playa (the beach) and they have amazing parties, tambien estan los clubs-" "We tried them, fucking boring as hell."

He chuckled, he had a cute smile, "Well why don't you stick around for the grupo? Maybe you'll like that?" I gave him a small smirk, "And if I don't, you owe me drinks on the house." "Deal."

I walked back to my table with the tray full of shots, "Okay Y/n! I see you!" my friend Christina said as she passed the shots around, "There is a group coming to play." I informed them, "Wow! Un grupo! Que maravilla! Anyways, my long time adopted brother is gonna pull up, I have not seen him in like a decade and now he wants to pull in like he owns the fucking place just to give me a present, he's so gonna get it when I see him." Melody said as she drank her shot.

"Wait is it the hot one?" Selene asked, "Yeah- how did you know?" "Babes I see the picture you have of him at your house all the time." everyone but me nodded, I had no idea who they were talking about.

A group started playing, and my friends loved it, they all found a partner and began dancing, I didn't really feel like it though, so I walked away.

I sat outside and lit up my cigarette, I looked at my red dress I had on.

In all honesty, I just got out of a nasty breakup with my long time boyfriend Cristiano, so I was hoping I'd find someone who'd help me get my mind off of him.

Doesn't help either that he is one of the groom's men.

I put the cigarette in my mouth and felt someone staring at me, "Hola chiquita." I groaned as a creepy 35 year old walked up to me, "Quieres ir con migo?" (wanna come with me?) I shook my head, "Estoy bien, gracias." (I'm fine, thanks) "Andale, tu tienes lo que quiero." "Fuck off." I said as I got up and tried walking away but the dude pulled me in a dark empty alley, "Baby, you do not wanna do this." he whispered as he choked me and took out a knife, putting it on my throat.

"No grites." (Don't yell.)

I didn't I just closed my eyes and prayed for this to all be over.

"Que bellesa." (what beauty) he said as he began kissing my neck.

I felt my eyes tear up.

"Please leave me alone." I begged quietly.

Suddenly, his grip on my throat was gone, I opened my eyes and saw him getting attacked by something I have never seen before.

My eyes widened as they took out their fangs and began ripping his intestines out.

I put my hand in my mouth and walked backwards slowly, the thing looked up at me when it finished.


Looked heavy.

Yeah I don't stand a chance.

I begam running inside of the bar and bumped into someone, "Hey- you okay?" Jose said as he caught me, "Please hel-" "Y/n!" Melody walked up to me, "Come dance with me!" "Hey I think she needs to sit!" Jose recommended, she rolled her eyes, "No fun." she said as she walked away.

He helped me sit down, "You good?" he asked, I knew I had a petrified look, "Here." he gave me a water bottle, I drank it and took a deep breath.

After a while, I decided to forget about the situation, and began drinking shot, after shot, after shot.

To the point I didn't see anything, just flashing lights as I danced freely.

I felt slight bliss as the world fastened up while Melody and I danced.

I felt someone's stare straight at me.

But I didn't see much, just a tall figure looking directly at me from the corner of the bar before I blacked out.

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