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POV: Yours

This night wasn't like any other nights, 3 nights have passed since my escape

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This night wasn't like any other nights, 3 nights have passed since my escape. There was a huge storm going on, causing the power of the city to go off, but that benefited me.

The tall building I once stayed in was in front of me, and I was on a mission to get what I wanted.

I stormed into the building and went all the way to the top floor.

When I reached the door, I took out Hobi's key card I stole a few weeks ago and went in. The apartment was dark and empty, no one was home.

I made my way to Miguel's office and took a seat. That's when I heard a portal open, "I am sure she is fine. She is a great runner." I heard Hobi's voice say, "WELL WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENED! She isn't the smartest person out there!" "Neither are you for not telling her the full truth. This one is on you Miguel." Hobi said as he stormed out of the living room.

"Dios mio." Miguel said as he went into the study room, his feet stopped in front of the desk when he finally saw me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, I slid the gun I had towards him.

He stared at me in shock, "You were here on a mission, finish it." I stated, he looked at me not knowing what to say. "What's wrong? I'm allowing you. Shit I am even giving you a head start!" I exclaimed with a small laugh, "Y/n... I can't." he said not being able to look at me, "Of course you can-" "Y/N!" he yelled, I was taken aback and shut my mouth. He took his mask off and it landed in front of me, my eyes widened, "You're-you're the guy from that night..." I realized.

Now looking at me with his deep red eyes, the man said "My name is Miguel O'hara."

I stared at him in amazement when I saw how soft his gaze was, it was relaxing in a way.

But then I remembered who the fuck I was talking to.

The same guy who was planning on killing me almost hooked up with me as well, "I'm in charge of keeping the universe balance, all of it, Lilah, demonstrate it."

All of a sudden a hologram of the universe appeared.

I looked at everything in amazement, there was a moment in life that stood in front of me, it was me. My dad was about to leave but before that he injected something in me the night before while I was asleep.

My eyes widened, not only did I not remember this, i couldn't believe I was just seeing this.

I felt Miguel's presence right behind me, "You don't remember this, but due to this event, a lot changed for the multiverse, you now have the same power as I do, it interlinks when activated. But because my technology isn't as advanced as I thought it was- I never found out who you were." He said as a memory of him saving me in our first encounter appeared in front of us, "At least not until.." another memory of our first kiss appeared.

My eyes widened.

I turned to look at him in shock.

He didn't know from the beginning. "So why didn't you kill me?" I asked.

He chuckled, "Isn't it obvious?" He asked.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion.


"So what now?" I asked, "We have to move universes, I can explain the rest there, but not now."

I sighed, "Lead the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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