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POV: Yours

My arms were hugging my legs close as I tried to keep myself warm. I wasn't wearing my usual clothes, instead a white long shirt and black shorts.

"Stats finished, she's perfectly fine." A hologram of a woman said as she finished scanning me, "Thank you lila." The tall figure said as he sighed and walked in the room.

He made his way in front of me but I refused to look at him.

"You finally done running away from me?" He questioned.

I scoffed, "you fucking annoy me." I muttered.

"At this point you caused me a lot of trouble, I can just let you go and... let what happens next happen."

I finally looked at him and stood up, "I don't know who you think I am. Maybe you think I'm slow-" "Close but not quite." "Right," I said as I saw a peek of his skin from his mask that was folded, he was a human.

"But I'm not slow, I want to know who you really are before I get myself into anything with you."

He chuckled, "What do you mean."

"What are you, who are you behind that mask." I demanded to know.

"Human like you."

He lifted his mask a little where I could see his lips and nose, not his eyes though, Olive skin, sharp features, he wasn't lying.

"Why can't I see the rest."

"Because if you know my identify it'll risk your life."

"My life is already at risk." I replied, he sighed and sat down, "I've done my research on you, this must be a little shocking to you, but not to worry."

I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, so what if I agree to stop running. What happens next?" I questioned as I walked up to his equipment and picked up a piece of metal, looking at it.

"We will have to be on the move, obviously I have my duties as the one in charge of all the spidermen, so you will be hidden and whenever I'm done, we keep moving."

I rolled my eyes, more hiding?

"Alright how about no on the hiding me part!" I suggested as I turned to face him but found him close to me.

"You don't get to change the rules I make, Y/n." He said as he picked up the metal I had from my hand.

"Well, why would I want to be hidden for days, what's so fun about that." "There is nothing fun about it, it's just to keep you safe." "But-" he shut me up by leaning down to reach my level.

"You have two options, do as I say, or don't."

I saw him about to turn, he thought I was going to say no, he began to walk out.

"Alright fine, where do I have to hide first?"

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