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POV: Yours

"God I hate myself." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

A lot has happened.

It was 2024, I got a raise, and I was over my ex, but my ex got cheated on, so he's trying to come back with me.

"Please! It was a mistake! It was you all along!" He said as he followed me back to my apartment, "Go To hell." I said as I shut my door.

When I finally relaxed, I decided to turn on the TV, "We are currently on the hunt for Spider-man who murdered this poor man in Cancun, Mexico." I spit my vodka as my eyes widened.

It showed surveillance footage from the night.

"Oh fuck!" I said but quickly paid attention again, "The girl was afraid she was his next meal so she ran-" I ran to the TV cord and unplugged it.

He was gonna try to look for me.

That's when I heard my window crash.

I quickly spun around and saw the creature with the blue and red mask.

I couldn't believe it, I couldn't move, my heart raced but there was no breath coming out of me.

Suddenly my consciousness came back, my eyes narrowed the the knife on my counter.

He saw what I was looking at and lunged towards me, I ran faster though, I grabbed the knife and pointed it at him, "I swear to god I'll fucking kill you!" I raised my voice, he chuckled under his mask, "Do you know who I am?" He asked as he tried stepping forward but I tackled him full force to the ground, and put the knife to his neck.

"Do you know what I'm capable of?" He asked, I put the knife close to his skin.

"I don't seem to care." I whispered as I got ready to stab him, but he grabbed my wrist before I pressed the knife any further.

"Look, this is cute and all, but I'm here to talk to you. So can you put the fucking knife away?" He asked, I shook my head, "You ripped out a guys intestines in front of me, not risking it." "And if I wanted to rip yours, I would've done it already."

I closed my eyes and thought about it, then got off of him, "That guy I- you know, killed, was some important guy back in Mexico- ever heard of a mafia? Kinda like that but it's a cartel, so now they're on the hunt for you." I raised my eyebrow, "Why would they even be on the hunt for me?" I questioned.

"Because they think I was a hired sicario (hit man), and they think it all tied back down to you." I sighed, "Got it, well, that sucks, but I'll be fine, they won't get my ass in New York City." I joked as I walked back to my room.

Suddenly there was pounding at my door.

Oh shit I spoke too soon.

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