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POV: Yours

I opened the apartment door with the card spider-punk handed me, and let myself in, quietly closing the door behind me.

I sighed in relief, "Are you done torturing me." I jumped of fright and saw spider-man sitting in the couch.

"Fucking christ you scared me." I said as I walked over to the couch and sat next to him, he wasn't wearing his mask, but I couldn't see his face vividly.

"Ironic isn't it." he muttered.

I stared at his silhouette, "I am sorry." I said.

He chuckled, "For what." "You already know for what-" "Do you know how frusturating you can be?" he questioned, I rolled my eyes, "Have you met yourself?" 

"Whatever, stop apologizing, the door is right there."

I sighed, "I'll stop running away." I promised, he turned to face me, all I could see was his red eyes staring at mines. "I want to know everything eventually though." I said, his eyes were pierced with mine, I couldn't handle it, I looked away, "If you run away one more time I swear." I raised my arm as if I was pledging, "I promise that even if you kill me, I will not run away." 

He chuckled and looked at the card in my hand, "Spider-punk brought you back." he noticed, I nodded, "Thank him later, if it were some other spider-man... you already know what I'd do." 

I looked at the big windows showing the city during night time, "I see why you chose this place." I said as I got up and walked up to the windows to see the view, I could feel his eyes on me the whole time, but I didn't mind.

Still doesn't mean I don't dislike him just because I am being nice right now.

When I was young we lived in a one room apartment, not a kitchen, bathroom, and a bedroom apartment, I mean just one single room apartment, it wasn't in New York either, when my dad would come home he'd be pissed, and my mom would fight with him. I'd watch TV just to ignore the commotion in the background, and this one show caught my eye, it was in New York, I never told my mom I wanted to live there.

I just kept quiet for years.

I'm serious, I never spoke a word for years, not even at school, I was just silent, my dad was a mad scientist so he'd sit me down and told me if I let him use me as a lab-rat he'd promise to move just us to a nice apartment like this, I never had to tell him, he would take notice of what I was watching a lot.

"You're going to be safe here." Spider-man said as he walked up and stood next to me.

He should know that there is a million things I am worried about, this was not one of them.

His voice sounded so familiar though.

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