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POV: Yours

Weeks slowly passed by, I got used to the peace of just hiding in Spider-Man's apartment.

When I was alone I was bored, but when he came back home, I was happily talking to him. Spider-Punk was currently in the same room as me, he brought me Chinese food because I was begging for something different.

"You know, you've been behaving awfully well lately." Hobi told me as I ate my food, "No reason to act up lately." I said with a smile. His eyes looked at mine and he chuckled, looking away.

"You know, I feel like if we met in different circumstances, things would be different."

I raised an eyebrow, "How so?"

Before he could answer, he quickly got up and threw himself in front of me and put on his mask in the span of a second and someone broke in, "Y/n, press the button in the office, NOW!" he demanded as the masked men all rushed in the room and Hobi began attacking them, I ran inside of the office and a man lunged towards me, but Hobi threw a web that surrounded him and tripped him.

I quickly went inside of the room and locked it before heading towards the button and smashing it, I found the emergency phone and dialed Spider-Man, he answered quickly, "Y/n, what is it?" "Please hurry and come- they're here for me and it's like 15 men versus Hobi-" "Y/N!" I heard a shout from the living room, I began crying, "Please come.." I begged.

"Y/n, I am on my way, I need you to prepare for the next step, okay? You're good at running away, so open the window, and listen carefully, go through the fire escape and run as fast as you can-" "No- no, for once don't leave me alone- please just hurry." I heard the door being banged, I was running out of time.

"Y/n, do it."

I quickly opened the window and jumped to the fire escape, running down until I saw a random person's balcony that had a open window, I ran in and closed the window shut.

At this moment it didn't matter where I was, I just had to run, so I did, I closed the blinds and ran to the hallway, going down the stairs, then outside to the busy street, Everyone stared as I shoved passed everyone, it was night time in New York City.

Finally I saw the old abandoned church where I once hid, I looked around making sure the coast was clear before entering.

Finally after shutting the big door, I shut my eyes and let out a sigh of relief.

Out of nowhere I felt a hard grip on my hair, my eyes shot open and saw a group of men, and one of them grabbed me, then held my arms in a lock, two men came in with Spider-Man, pushing him in front of me, "Look who it is Y/n! Your savior that couldn't even keep you safe!" even through the mask I could tell he was weak. "What do you want from me?!?" I questioned as I tried to release myself, "You mean to tell us- O'hara hasn't told you?" O'hara? What?

They took off his mask, it revealed a bruised familiar man, tanned, with tired red eyes, wait- Spider-Man was the man from the club?!

"You haven't told little Y/n everything huh?" they asked him, he shook his head, "Let her go, please. Take me instead." he offered. The leader then came in, "Miguel O'hara, you know we cannot do that."

I stared at them in confusion, "You took the person we needed rightfully for our job, and now we are taking her back." "What are they talking about?" I questioned as I only stared at Miguel now.

"Wow, the man who is supposed to protect the universe didn't tell you? That is funny!" "Don't you dare Xavier." Miguel told the leader as he turned back to look at me, "Y/n-" "You were supposed to kill her Miguel! It is your job to exterminate every small bug who is a threat to the universe!" Exterminate? Like I am some sort of bug?!? What?

"I was on it believe me. As long as you guys wouldn't be able to take advantage of her. I was just making sure she was okay." I felt my eyes slowly tear up, so all of our times together- I looked at Miguel in disbelief who looked at me with guilt. "I just- needed time."

"Take her away." Xavier demanded, "NO! DON'T YOU DARE!" Miguel shouted as they took me out of the church.

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