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POV: Yours

I learned three things when I jumped into this portal.

1. Portals are colorful

2. If you have a weak stomach maybe don't open your mouth, and close your eyes.

3. I was falling once i reached the end of the portal and I realized I was in another New York City, but 1 thousand feet in the air, again, falling.

"I never wanna go through portals ever again." I muttered as I dried my hair, "You didn't wanna bother by checking in with the weather?" I asked as I came into the room the creature was in, only this time his mask was off, his back facing me showed me his tanned neck and brown soft hair, so... he is human.

"Get out, you cannot see my identity." "Yes sir." I said as I just walked out, I saw a pack of cigarettes sitting in the couch and picked it up, making my way to the balcony, I took out a lighter and a cigarette and lit it up, mom used to tell me this is what caused my dad's death, I thought to myself as I began smoking.

Who cares, he was a piece of shit.

"Para de fumar esa mierda." the masked man said as he took the cigarette out of mouth, "First of all-" "No. You don't set the rules, I do. Besides you're outside, you're practically screaming for these guys to catch you." I rolled my eyes and took out another cigarette, placed it in my mouth, and turned it on as I headed back inside, "Are you trying to get us caught." "It'd be nice if I did." I muttered as I inhaled smoke and sat down on the couch. 

"You don't value your life as much as you should you know." he said. I chuckled, "I know." "Why do you care anyways." I muttered. 

"I don't." "Clearly." I said as I exhaled smoke, tapping the excess ashes on a plate, "You're the most stubborn girl I have ever met." he sighed as he turned around and put his fingers on his forehead. 

"Only to strangers that wear masks and I know can kill me with a single bite." I said as I kept smoking.

I looked around the apartment and saw a picture of a little girl a few feet away of me, "Wow, masked man has pictures of little girls, are you a grandpa?" I asked as I inhaled, he flipped a table and turned to me, "Mind your own business, Y/n. You don't know shit." 

I blankly stared at him, unamused.

"Go to sleep, we have a long week." he said as he walked to an office and slammed the door shut.

I rolled my eyes and turned off my cigarette. Fuck him. 

I got up and opened the main door, shutting it close and headed to the elevator.  

Secreto De Amor (Miguel O'hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now