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POV: Yours

Destination: New York City

I watched as the subway took me back home.

A long day of work was exhausting.

A week after the wedding we headed back to New York City. I didn't wanna think about what I witnessed as it was traumatizing, so I just drank the whole time I was there, so was my memory of the wedding a blur? Yes. And it's fine with me.

"You have to be kidding me." I whispered to myself as the subway stopped and my ex boyfriend was kissing his new girlfriend goodbye, we passed by eachother as I walked out of the subway and she walked in.

"Y/n?" he asked, I just ignored him and kept walking but he stopped me, "You look like shit!" "The fuck do you want?" I asked as I kept walking up the stairs to go back to the streets.

"To see how you are! You looked so out of it at the wedding. Miss me?" he joked.

I sighed, "No, actually, I do not." I replied as I went to the street that led to my apartment.

"Heard you were still obsessed over me and are doing everything and anything to get over me! I mean come on don't be pathetic-" "Leave me the fuck alone Cristian!" I raised my voice.

He chuckled and walked away.


Was I gonna sulk at home? ALONE?!? Fuck no, if you do not know me, I hate being alone as it gives me too much time to overthink every small event that happens to the point it drives me crazy, so I decided, 'Fuck it, let's party!' with my best friend Anya.

Anya was my bestfriend from high school, she was loaded, black hair that reaches her waist, perfect curls, red lipstick, and bangs, swear she could pass as Selena Quintanilla or something.

"We look so good!" she said as her driver dropped us off at the event.

She wore a gold fitting dress, it shimmered as the light reflected on her.

Meanwhile with me I wore  black dress, fitting for my body, backless, and satin.

"There is a lot of thirsty rich men here so be cool! Do not have your eye on the first one!" "I just wanna party in all honesty Anya." I said, "Of course! I hope there's lesbians though." she said as we walked in.

The place had red lights and the bar was elegant.

Everyone danced, drank, chattered, it was gorgeous.

"Let's dance!" Anya said as we headed to the dance floor, this event was a vibe, I felt myself loosen up after a while and matched Anya's energy, even though I couldn't even top it, she was like a siren with those hips, attracted fucking anyone.

After thirty minutes of dancing I got tired.

A girl approached Anya, and she danced with her happily, "Alright I am gonna get a drink." I whispered to my best friend. She nodded and danced with the girl.

I sighed of relief when I sat at the only empty bar stool, "Can I get a Rosita?" I asked the bartender, "Sure." he said as began to work on my drink.

"Te gusta la fiesta?" (do you like the party?) someone asked, I turned to face them, They drank a cocktail as they looked at the event, I didn't think he was talking though, so I just took the drink the bartender put for me.

"Not the talking type huh?" the person asked, "Oh- you were talking to me?" I asked, they nodded, "Well- yeah, it's fun, just tired and wanted a drink." I explained as I drank my Rosita.

They chuckled and finished their drink, "Why are you here?" he asked, "Just wanna distract myself from reality." I replied.

They nodded.

I stood up when my song began playing, but then saw my friend still dancing with the girl, I groaned, "Gotta be kidding me." I whispered to myself, "What is it?" he asked, "I love this song but my bestfriend is currently fucking someone on the dance floor." I said as I sat down, "Okay, so I'll dance with you." he said.

I raised my eyebrow, "Seriously?" I asked.

He stood up, and that's when my heart froze, I didn't see what he exactly looked like from how dim the lights looked, 6'9, red eyes, tanned, muscular, well built, god- his face, it was to die for.

"You wanna dance?" he asked as he extended his big hands for me, I nodded and gave him my hand, we walked to the dance floor and began to dance, god he was perfect.

As we danced I looked over at my best friend who gave me a thumbs up and mouthed, 'good job!' I smirked and shrugged.

"Eres hermosa." (you're beautiful) he whispered in my ear, I looked at him with a smile "Thank you." I said as the song ended.

We were about to walk back to the bar but a girl accidentally danced and her heel landed on my dress ripping it up, "Sorry!" I looked at my dress in horror as it reached up my thigh.

"YOU FUCK-" the guy covered my mouth, "I will take care of it." he said as he led me to an empty room.

It still had red lights, I sighed as I looked at my dress, "You gotta be kidding me." I whispered as I looked at my dress and sat down, he leaned down to look at me, "You almost caused a scene out there." "Well is your fucking suit ripped?" I asked, "Do not talk to me like that." he ordered.

My eyebrows furrowed as we stared at eachother, "Just because we danced one song doesn't mean I owe you my respect." I scolded as I stood up and got ready to walk away, he grabbed my wrist and pushed me to the wall, "Say that again." he said as he leaned closer.

I stared at him with anger, but then again, it was hot.

He pressed his lips with mine and kissed me, I kissed him back with anger, he picked up my legs, and I wrapped them around his torso, as I couldn't kiss him properly due to his height, but now I can.

I moaned as he began kissing my neck, "You fucking-" I stopped myself as I rolled my head back when he hit my soft spot.

Suddenly we heard someone open the door, "Y/n?!?" shit- Anya!

I got off of the guy, "Yeah?" "Uh- I have to go, but I see you are occupied so-" "No! No! Let's go!" I said as I rushed myself out, not looking back.

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