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POV: Yours

"To be quite honest I don't exactly know how to feel about this." I muttered as my eyes were covered, "Well just trust me." "That's easy for you to say masked man." I replied.

Even through the silence, I could hear the tree's through the quiet breeze, it was night time, and the crunched up leaves I was stepping on. "We're in the woods aren't we." "You talk too much." "I hope I'm shedding so when you murder me I'll at least have DNA of me." "Wasn't planning on killing you." he replied as he took off his hands from my eyes.

There was a beautiful lake in front of me, I turned to look at him, "Why are we here?" I questioned.

"Because you needed time away from the apartment." 

I chuckled, "I'm fine with it now you know." "Doesn't matter, even then if I want to take you out it has to be somewhere that isn't you know, packed." I smiled at him.

I walked closer to the water and sat on the grass. 

Something no one has ever done for me was consider where I wanted to be, not my parents, not my ex, not even my friends. This was one of the places I could feel at peace with. "What was your life like before all of this?" I asked the masked man.

He sat down next to me, he was letting his guard down for once.

"Well, I had a daughter." he said as he looked at the water slowly moving.

"For real?" "Yeah, she's gone, all because of my mistakes." he said.

Nodding my head slowly to comprehend his problems I did not expect that to be quite honest, "Is there any way I can help?" I asked, "You know, make your life easier..." "You can start by not running away." "Done." 

"You know if we haven't met, my life would be kind of boring." "Yeah, you'd be dead without me." he said, I could feel a smirk even through his mask.

"All it took was one quick meet up of you eating a guys intestine and now we're here." I said with a small smile, "Aren't you glad I did, you're alive now." 

The light of the moon was shinning through the lake and the crickets made that soothing noise they usually do, it was a peaceful moment. 

"Slowly but surely, I am starting to like you." I replied as I got up.

"You aren't that bad to hang around." I admitted as I turned to him with a smile before facing the lake again. When my mom was little, she used to argue with her boyfriend a lot, and when she'd sleep, he would take me to this place in downtown, I had no idea what for, but now that I am here, I am starting to realize why.

But does he know that?


Nor will he.

Secreto De Amor (Miguel O'hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now