194 6 1

POV: Yours

Destination: NYC

My eyes slowly opened, the room was cold, and one blanket wasn't going to warm me up.

Slowly, I sat up and stepped on the cold wooden floor, taking quiet steps to the kitchen. As quietly as possible, I began making coffee.

"Que haces." "Ah fuck!" I exclaimed as I turned to Spider-Man. "You scared the fuck out of me." "Well you're making coffee at two in the fucking morning, thought you were escaping." "Yeah, coffee to gain some strength to run some sort of hero who can jump from universe to universe, as if one cup would help." I muttered as I grabbed the mug and sat down on top of the island table.

"I mean hey I managed to loose you for a day, I was planning on just letting you be at that point." "Oh what would I do without you." I joked as I drank from my mug. "Probably be with your ex."

I put my mug down, "You know about him?" I questioned, "Of course I do, found out a lot about him while I was looking for you." I sighed and picked up a cigarette, lighting it up, "How did you two meet?" he questioned.

"College." I muttered as I inhaled smoke then released it, "He was on the football team, and I had to interview him for the college newspaper. At first I didn't really care, but then he didn't give up, he begged and begged until I gave him a chance." 

He stared at me as I put in my cigarette in my mouth.

"Why did you two break up?"

Exhaling the smoke slowly, "His parents were super loaded, generation type of loaded. Out of my league he would say when I caught him with the woman he was supposed to marry. He got upset when I began yelling at him for wasting my time and he told me I wasn't worth fighting for." 

The masked man slowly walked up to me and lifted my chin up, "You are worth fighting for." 

My eyes kind of started to sting as I stared at him, quickly, I faced the other direction, "Yeah well you heard my ex." I joked as I quickly dried my eyes. 

"Well your ex is an asshole, don't ever believe a word he ever told you." I pressed my lips together and picked up my cigarette and placed it in my mouth. "Don't know what you saw in him." "He was the only guy who made me feel like I mattered when I really needed it." I replied as I exhaled smoke the opposite direction.

"Did you love him?" "Love?" I questioned.

He didn't reply.

"I mean, I used to think he was my first love." I said as I pressed my cigarette on the ashtray, turning it off.

"But he wasn't the more I look into it." 

He sighed, "I don't think love should be real." he said.

I raised my eyebrow as I finished my coffee, and placed the mug down. "Why is that?" "Love is just something people want to feel, but it just brings misery." I chuckled, he turned to look at me, "What is so funny?" "It's ironic, the spider creature who doesn't show emotion doesn't believe in love." "Why would you believe in it? You literally went through hell with that guy?" "Doesn't mean much, just means he isn't for me, love can be beautiful, painful, but overall amazing, you just need to find the right person." I said while getting off the counter, I then placed the mug inside of the sink and started walking away, I turned to him before I entered my room, "You will believe in love one day when you meet your person." "I think the most biggest step is finding someone who is capable of loving me." 

I gave him a smile.

"Goodnight, Spider-Man." 

Secreto De Amor (Miguel O'hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now