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POV: Yours

Destination: ??

Now why the hell does this masked man choose to live in the most populated city in all of the United States? 

I questioned a lot of things as I sat in an abandoned churches bell tower. 

It's been a whole day, and I think that spider masked dude gave up on me, but it's fine because at least I'm at peace.

"You know they say when a church is abandoned, it looses it's holy-ness." someone quoted, I turned around and saw the masked man, but the nice one, I smiled as I saw him walking in front of me, "Me personally I don't believe in any of that, but hey, it's an interesting fact ain't it?" he questioned.

"My mom used to take me to church and pray to god that our lives would get better, practically lived up here, she made me feel like god was more important." I said.

"Well this is one hell of a place to hide." Spider-punk said as he took off his mask.

He was human too.

"You know there is a whole search team of spider-men looking for you right?" he questioned as I studied his face. "Why do you keep running away?" he questioned.

"Have you not met that man?" I asked.

"True, stupid question." "He is so rude and short tempered." "Agree," "And I hate being told what to do." I said as I drank water.

"Well, he does this because of your well being, he needs you alive." "And why is that?" "With time you will find out, right now we just met so can't tell you everything, could kill the mystery." he winked. I smirked, he got up and took out his hand, "Wanna kill his tempor for a little bit longer and get some food?" I nodded and took his hand.



"You were really hungry." he chuckled as we walked together. I finished all the food I could.

"Yeah well when you are hiding from a 6'9 giant you tend to forget to eat." I joked.

"As much as I hate to say this, cut the poor man some slack, he is just trying for your sake- well mostly for the universe." "Yeah well fuck the universe, I was living a pretty normal life before I met him, he just had to eat a human in front of me." I muttered the last part as I took out a cigarette from my pocket and put it in my mouth, "Care to share?" he questioned as he took out a lighter and lit it up for me, I looked at him in the eyes and smiled, "As long as you don't rat me out to your master." I joked as I exhaled smoked.

"Oh please I never take orders, never even follow the rules." "Well my apologies, spider-punk." I said as I took out his mask I swiped out of my pocket, he smirked, "You were definetly not meant to be a hero." "Neither are you." I said as I inhaled smoke, "You really don't wanna go back to him?" he questioned while I exhaled.

"I will, just wanna teach him a lesson." I said with a small smirk, "Now why cause that man so much pain, he's dying." he joked, "He is short tempered, makes me feel like- crap." was all I could explain.

He nodded, "Makes sense." he said as he grabbed my cigarette and smoked it, "Well, hope you know you're not- crap." "Gee thanks." I sarcastically replied, "Not what I meant." "Then what do you mean." "Well he probably doesn't do well talking to women with beauty like you. Plus he isn't so well when it comes to entertainment like you and I, as in he cannot keep a conversation going unless it has to do with work." 

I chuckled. 

"You're funny."

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