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POV: Yours

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POV: Yours

Destination: NYC

"Told you-" I hushed him and walked up to the door and looked at the peep-hole. But just like that, the tall thing pulled me away from the door by my waist, and the door blew up, "Get out." he whispered, "AHI ESTA!" they shouted, I opened the window and looked at how high up I was.

"Fuck-" I muttered, "GO!" he shouted as he pushed me out, I screamed as I fell down, quickly I saw a pole and grabbed on to it for dear life to slow down my fall which it did.

I made it to the ground safely and took a deep breath of relief, but that relieving feeling ended quickly when a crash came from my window, "AHI ESTA!" a voice shouted as they pointed at me.


"Where is that weird dude when you need him." I whispered as I sprinted down the stairs from the subway station, I jumped up the ticket receiver and kept running, turning my head to see how closer they were, yup, close as FUCK- I almost fell on the rail of the subway, I turned to see the subway about to come in, and turned around and saw one of the guys trip, giving me a second to get in the subway, they finally got up and began sprinting up to me, but as soon as they got close to the subway, the doors closed and it began moving.

I sighed of relief but then realized they'll just go to my next stop.

Where is that weird creepy dude when you need him.

My heart raced more as we were close to the next stop, why can't my life be fucking normal? First my ex cheats on me after he proposes, then gives that woman a ring and now they're married, and my best friend was- 


Aw fucking cunt. 

There was a loud crash in the subway windows and the group of people bolted towards me. I looked down and saw a long umbrella, Jesús christ I am going to look goofy aren't I?

One of the guys ran up to me and I raised my umbrella and smacked him with it, "Pinche pende-" his voice was cut off by the man who saved me jumping in and pinning him to the floor, "No la toques." (Don't touch her.) he ordered as he raised his arm and punched his throat. The guy who was chasing me tried screaming, the other guys were jumping in but- they were no match to the tall man who saved me.

I backed up slowly out of the subway, the adrenaline rush hit as I realized I had to get the fuck out of here, the man who saved me looked at me "Don't leave-" I didn't listen, I bolted out of there, my place is in danger, I had to grab what I could and leave.

Secreto De Amor (Miguel O'hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now