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POV: Yours

Sometimes I pray to god that my purpose in life comes shooting through my door, because I feel like I don't have one.

"Listen, part of this deal is that I protect your life from any harm." he said.

"Why do you care what happens to me." 

"What?" he asked sounding very confused. 

"Why do you care about my life. You said you protect the universe from collapsing right, what does one little person have to do with your job?" I questioned.

He had no idea what to say, "Honestly I can just move away and change my name, it'll be fine, just give me a few hours and I will be out of here." "You make it sound so easy." "Well it is not that hard." "Let me help you." "Can you just fuck off dude! I can handle myself! I have been doing it since I was young! Believe me, I can do anything."

The creature sighed and sat down, "You act like you've done this before."

I have.

"Let me just handle this-" "No! I don't even know you! All I know is that you're a fucking creature that ate the living shit out of-" "I'm actually human but with some sort of power you wouldn't get." I looked at him with confusion yet anger.

"I'm sorry, I just cannot get this through my head. I need to get out of here." I muttered as I got up, "No you cannot-" he grabbed my wrist trying to keep me in, but by then I had already prepared a syringe and stabbed him with it, pressing it down so he could consume the liquid.

He weakened his grip, "Pinche pendeja-" his eyes stared at me in amazement as he got knocked out in my floor. 

That will save me at least a fucking hour, I thought to myself.

I grabbed the remains of my suitcase and bounced out of my house.

As I rushed to the subway, I kept looking around me to make sure I was and quickly ordered a cab, "Where to ma'am?" "Airport, I'll pay you double the amount I owe you if you can get me there in 10 minutes-" "Done." he started speeding, I sighed and relaxed, yet at the same time, I was rushing and I'd never see anyone again.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a loud car following us, "Are we being followed?" I questioned, "Are you escaping from prison or something?" the driver asked, "No- just drive faster please they want to kill me..." I said as I panicked. "Wait a second- aren't you that missing female who killed-" "No! No I am not!" he stopped the car, "Fucking idiot GET OUT OF HERE-" suddenly the car flipped, those cunts hit us.

The car door was open by a force of this big guy, not another fucking guy. He grabbed me by the neck and carried me up.

"Ultimas palabras?" he asked, I stared at the man for a few seconds before his neck got bitten.

He let me go and I fell to the floor.

My eyes opened slowly to see the body of the guy get devoured once again.

I couldn't stand it. 

I saw black once again.

Secreto De Amor (Miguel O'hara x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now