Prolougue like no other.

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The moonlight streams through the window, shining a silver light over her small bedroom.

The noises of New York sing. Cars honking, music from restaurants, even loud laughter.

The city's form of birdsong.

The young girl slips down from her bed. Her too big pajama pants trail around her feet as she creeps towards the window.

She presses her hands against the glass, sliding it up with ease. The lock has been broken for a while now, and the hinges are loose.

The window slides up with a creak and the girl pauses. Listening for her mother's footsteps and hearing none of the sort.

She sighs with relief. And carefully swings her legs through the window.

The smell of cigarettes float with the breeze that tickles her skin with a warm gentleness.

Her feet hit the cool, metal grate of the fire escape. She sits down, swinging her legs off the side as she looks out at the city below her.

So full of life, so alive. Thousands of people living their own individual stories at once.

The lights from the city are like stars amongst Earth. They're the closest thing she'll get to stars.

She looks up at the black sky. Not a single star. Overwritten by the creations of humanity.

By creating our own stars, we took away the Earth's.

The copy overwrote the original.

Her left shoulder tickles with the presence of someone else.

The young girl looks over, seeing a dark man with locs. He wears a dark brown jacket and sweats.

A single word whispered in the girl's mind. One she knew to be true even if she didn't know how.

"Dad," She whispered out into the night.

The man smiles. A smile that's impressed and proud all at once.

"The night has always been my time." He says. Looking out into the city.

The girl turns to the city as well. "I have so many questions. Where have you been? Why are you here now?"

The man sighs. The noise sounds as quiet as the night breeze, but it's as heavy as the tragedy that's trapped inside the constellations of the sky.

"There are many things you won't understand until you're older. So let me try to help for now."

The young girl finds herself being drawn into his words. Something about the way he speaks them radiates with the promise of a wonderful adventure. Or of an old secret now spoken.

"I am seen as the laziest God. One of... unimportantance. Being my child, you will be overlooked as well."

Despite the sorrow of his promise to be overlooked, two of his words bring her breath to a hitch.

My child.

Her father continues. "-but they will soon realize the power you hold, and they will fear and hate you for it."

The young girl falters. Looking down at her dangling legs.

"I am the God of dreams. But dreams can often be messages from the future. I am close to Hekate. She has shown me things.. she has shown me what is coming."

He takes a deep breath, looking up to the sky as if he was glaring at it. "There will be a war. It won't be the first. I know my part in it, child. But you must decide yours."

The young girl gulps. Reaching out and grabbing his hand in fear that he might leave her. "Wait. Please. I need you. I- I don't know what to do. What if I do the wrong thing?"

The man smiles. A wave of sleepiness washes over the young girl. Her eyelids become heavy, her heart slowing down as the pain and confusion slips away from her. Blending into the breeze traveling far... Far away. 

He takes off his jacket, only a simple black tee underneath. He places the jacket over the young girl's back before wrapping his arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer. The young girl rested her head against his chest. Feeling the sleepiness wash over her with the warm wind.

"Do you see all those people, little dreamer?" He whispers.

The young girl nods. Soaking in the comfort of her father.

"They need us." He whispers. "The gods all believe that humanity relies on them. And they do. But they rely on us the most. Without their dreams... without their hopes, fears and desires... they would be savages. To be human is to feel. To feel is to have hopes, fears, desires and.... dreams."

The young girl, in that moment, felt so very special. She felt like a princess or a superhero. "They need us." She smiles.

The man nods. Holding her close. "They need you. Which is why... I have to do this."

The young girl frowns as his voice cracks. He smoothes down her hair, the young girl falls asleep instantly, going limp in his arms. Picking up his daughter, he carries her inside and lays her down on her bed. As he gently pulls the covers over her, he goes to take his jacket but pauses. Deciding against it.

Kneeling down, he holds a hand over her head. Her memories swirl around his mind. One by one, he plucks every memory she has of him. Tucking them away into a special pocket.

The moonlight shines on a tear, glistening as it rolls down her round cheek.

He takes his thumb. Swiping it away. "I'm sorry, little dreamer. We are to have no contact with our children. I've risked enough seeing you." He leans over. Kissing the top of her head. "You and your mother are my greatest dream come true." His words fly out in a whisper.

Her bedroom door creaks and his eyes snap over to the doorframe. A woman stands there. Her auburn hair tied in a braid over her shoulder. The moonlight shines on her face, making her illuminate like a goddess.

In his eyes, she is one.

In his eyes, she's better then all the actual goddesses he knows.

She smiles sadly. Watching him. "This is goodbye then?" She asks.

He stands up, walking over to her and cupping her face in his hands. "When she is sixteen, tell her everything. There will be a war coming. It will need her."

The Mother gasps. "Nos, she... will she be okay?"

The father's heart tugs at the nickname as he nods sadly. "She will have power. She's strong already. She gets that from her mother."

The Mother smiles. "I love you." She whispers the words. Knowing it'd be the last time she'd get to say them to him.

He kisses her gently. A warm fuzziness spreads over her lips.

"I will watch over you two. I will always. You two were my greatest dreams come true." He whispers the words against her lips.

The Mother reveled in his touch. Tears streaming down her cheeks. The man kisses her again. Letting her fall against him. He carries her to her own bed, setting down the first woman he's loved in thousands of years. 

They were each other's greatest dream... but like every good dream, their love story would be gone in the morning.

Awakened - T Stoll - Percy Jackson and The Olympians.Where stories live. Discover now