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The arena is beautiful. A stadium of marble and stone. A large dusty field in the middle. As we approached. I admired all the different chariots.

One was golden, with high seats and beautiful paintings of fair maidens and gods etched on the side. One was dark red with spikes on the side and barbwire to protect the seats inside.

One was bright pink with flowers along the edges.
One was even a dark purple and had vines growing up the sides like tentacles. Large, plump, green grapes sprouted amongst the green leaves.

My eye caught on one that had a series of wheels and small mechanics and I turn away before my eyes tear up again.

And then there was the Hermes Chariot. I knew instantly that it was Hermes because of the way the Wood was old and dusty, and the wheels had tape around them. Connor was squatted down. Reapplying some tape to the side of the chariot.

"Connor!" I call. Connor stands up, turning around. He dusts his hands off. A small frown on his face. His eyes are red and puffy but the frown seems to be one more of annoyance. 

"What's with the frown?" Travis , seeming to think the same thing, asks the question sitting on the tip of my tongue. as we walk close. Connor huffs. Jerking his head behind him at the dark red Chariot.

 "It's Clarisse." Connor grumbles. 

Travis sighs. "Well. Go to the Big House. Ping pong table meeting has been called."

I turn to Travis and Connor. "Hey, I'll go talk to Clarisse. You two get some of the others."

Travis nods and I pull away. Walking up to the dark red Chariot. Michael Yew stands before Clarisse. Arms crossed as he scowls (which isn't unusual) at Clarisse.

"Just hand it over!" Clarisse yells, fists clenched at her side. Michael scoffs. "Sorry princess. But we won it fair and square. I didn't think you'd be such a sore loser since you always seem to lose."

Clarisse shakes with anger as she squeezes her fist. I step forward. Clearing my throat.
"Clarisse. There's been a war council meeting called." I tell her.

She scoffs, throwing her hands up. "Of course there was."

I wiggle my way in between her and Michael Yew. "It's pretty important. But I was just wondering... Should we get Silena?"

Clarisse untenses a little. "Shit. Uhm. Yeah. Yeah, she's the head counselor of Aphrodite's cabin."

I nod. "Why don't you get her then? You're the closest to her."

Clarisse glares at Michael for a moment before nodding. "Thanks girly." She mumbles as she stalks off. I turn to Michael. "Get to the Blue House." I say in a tone far less gentle than the one I used with Clarisse. 

He scowls. "Who made you boss?" He asks grumpily.

I sigh. "No one. But we have more important things to do then to choose who gets to play boss. So get there or I'll find some other Apollo kid. After all, Will is quite diplomatic."

Michael scowls. Storming off as mutters something in Greek about where I can shove an arrow.

I spot Katie Gardner near a dark green Chariot. Hands on her hips. I walk up. Clearing my throat as I look at what seems to be a spray painted image of a flower holding out two arms with bulging biceps.

"I'm going to kill them. Stupid αδύναμα αγοράκια." She growls. A small giggle slips from my throat as I walk up beside her. "Stolls?" I ask.

"Stolls." She replies angrily.

I sigh, shaking my head. "Poison?" I ask.

Katie shakes her head. "Stabbing."

Awakened - T Stoll - Percy Jackson and The Olympians.Where stories live. Discover now