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Author's note: This chapter is very detailed. Gore wise. If detailed descriptions of blood, harm affect you, I'm warning you now. 

"Chiron," Annabeth said, her voice trembling.

I keep my eyes fixed on Kronos and my hand on my sword. "Annabeth..." I warn under my breath. Hoping her trembling isn't an indication of her about to do something rash. 

Kronos turns back to Chiron. "Step aside, little son." He chuckles, as if Chiron is some toddler standing in his way. My respect for Chiron grows as he does not move. "I'm afraid not." His tone is calm and even. 

I'm really glad he's on our side.

Suddenly, the dracaena rushes forward at Percy. Annabeth shouts a warning but before anyone can do anything, Chiron's arrow releases and vanquishes her. 

I take my sword out of the hilt. Holding it cautiously.  Chiron drops his bow and takes out his sword as well.  

"You're a teacher," Kronos sneered. "Not a hero."

"Luke was a hero," Chiron said. "He was a good one, until you corrupted him." 

"FOOL!" Kronos's voice shook the city. "You filled his head with empty promises. You said the gods cared about me!" 

My eyes widen. Me. I look over at Annabeth whose lips are parted as her eyes hold a ghostly, far-away look. I look back at Kronos. Luke is still in there. I don't know how I feel about that. 

 Everyone else has so much more reason to hate him. I don't have the right. Kronos tried to kill me. Technically, Luke didn't. 

But he killed Silena. And Charlie. And Michael. 

I gulp down a breath. Bad things happen to everyone. Life wouldn't be life without bad things. But at a certain point, your trauma is not an excuse for your actions. 

He's allowed to be hurt by his trauma. To have it effect what he does and how he thinks. That's simply how trauma works. But hurting and killing innocent kids because of your trauma? That's not okay. 

Thalia was abandoned by the gods. 

So was Percy. 






Why haven't any of them started a war and killed hundreds? 

Because your character is defined not when you go through good things, but when you go through the bad. 

"Me," Chiron noticed. "You said me." 

Kronos looks stunned for a moment and Chiron, being the genius dumbass he is, strikes. 

Kronos fights back with skill and speed before a blinding white light shoots out, sending Chiron flying across the street as he knocks into a building wall. The wall collapsing on him. 

A strangled gasp leaves my throat as Thalia, Annabeth, Percy, Travis and I run forward. Travis, Thalia and Percy dig through the bricks. 

I quickly grab Annabeth's waist as she lunges at Kronos with her knife. "Annabeth, no!" I yell. I struggle to hold her back as she flails. Knife in hand. "YOU! To think that I . . . that I thought—"

Awakened - T Stoll - Percy Jackson and The Olympians.Where stories live. Discover now