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The armory was the first place we went to. Annabeth had me try out some different swords as well as grabbing some that had features I liked. 

I hold the three swords with two hands. Carefully watching the blades swing in rhythm to my pace.

"This is the forge. Come on." Annabeth says. I walk inside a low building. Heat pushes against my skin in the low lighting building. Tables full of tools sit in front of me. Furnaces and fireplaces all over.

A large man.. boy? Man? A large dude stands in front of me. Warm chocolate skin and dark black hair. He wears an apron and an iron mask. He's leaned over, carefully tinkering with what looks to be a mess of wires and other parts.

Annabeth clears her throat. "Beckendorf. Beckendorf!" She yells.

He doesn't seem to hear her. She leans forward. Tapping him on the shoulder. He pauses. Setting the tools down, lifting up his mask and turning around.

Black Smoot covers his cheeks as he smiles. "Hey. What can I do for you?"

Annabeth nudges me with her shoulder. "This is Imena. We need to get her a sword."

He nods, gesturing down to the swords in my hands. "Good selection. What do you like about 'em?"

I shift my grip around to pick up the first one. "Well I like the grooved handles on this one... but..."

I shift around to lift up the other. "-I like the sleek blade on this one and I like the color scheme on the last one."

He laughs. Taking the swords from me. "You sound like my girlfriend. She's big on color schemes, sleekness, the general beauty of it all."

Annabeth smiles. "Where is Silena?" 

He smiles. It's cute how his mood brightens instantly at the mention of her name. "Well. She actually should be here-"

Just before he mentions, a girl walks through the door holding two mugs of what seems to be hot coco.

Oh my god. She is stunning.

Long black sleek hair, warm olive skin and beautiful brown eyes that light up with the sun's warmth. She smiles. Smooth pink lips stretching across pearly whites.

I can't tell whether I want to be her or be with her.

"Hey. You must be the new camper I've been hearing all about. Imena Mallory right?" She asks as she walks over to Beckendorf's desk. Setting down the mugs.

He wraps an arm around her shoulder. Pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.

"Yeah. That's me." I smile. "I guess passing out in front of the entire camp garners some attention." 

She laughs. Resting her head on Beckendorf's chest. "Ah don't worry. In such a small camp, anybody new is a celebrity for the first week or so. I will say.. you seem very interesting."

Annabeth steps forward. "Gossip time later, Silena. We need a sword."

Beckendorf slips his arm from Silena as they turn around. "I can do this easily. Should only take me a day at the latest. You can have it by tomorrow."

Silena walks over to me. Eyeing me before turning back to her boyfriend. "You should go with a crimson brown for the hilt. Try to give the blade a bronze gleam."

Beckendorf smiles brighter. "Yes ma'am."

I will admit. Seeing this happy couple gives me a bit of hope. It seems so normal despite everything being... un-normal. They're an example that being a demigod doesn't mean you have to die some fiery or painful death. Like there's hope for having a normal life. 

Awakened - T Stoll - Percy Jackson and The Olympians.Where stories live. Discover now