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I was awoken early to a horrendous screeching noise. I jolt up to see my mom already out of bed, getting dressed in her armor. "Come on, hun. We have to go." She says seriously. 

I snap into action instantly. Hurrying to tie my hair up before sliding on my armor. I grab my sword, mom and I rushing downstairs to the lobby. 

Things are bad. It's obvious. The Hephaestus cabin has used all their traps and Greek fire. The satyrs and nymphs are in bad shape. The Party Ponies are drunk or fighting with each other. Or both. The hunters lost some of their people. We've lost a lot of demigods. 

I paid my respects to Thalia who's eyes hardened as she just mumbled an 'it's fine.' And I tried checking on Will, who seemed to believe that if he was just a little bit faster, they'd still be alive. 

We are all in horrible shape. And there's a Drakon coming. 

I stand with Percy and Annabeth. My mom went off to talk to the Hunters. Chiron trots up with Rachel on his back. "Your friend here has some useful insights, Percy." 

Rachel blushes a color as bright as her hair. "Just some things I saw in my head."

"A drakon," Chiron said. "A Lydian drakon, to be exact. The oldest and most dangerous kind."

I blink, looking up at her. "How do you know that? You're 100% sure you're mortal? You give me Apollo kid vibes." 

She smiles. "Thanks, but I'm just a mortal." She sighs. I shake my head. "That's not a bad thing." 

Annabeth shoots me a glare and I put my hands up, taking a step back. 

"It is when there's a drakon to fight." Rachel grumbles. "But this drakon has a particular fate. It will be killed by a child of Ares."

My frown deepens as Annabeth crosses her arms. "How can you possibly know that?"

Rachel sighs. "I just saw it. I can't explain."

"Well, let's hope you're wrong," Percy says. "Because we're a little short on children of Ares. . . ."

Realization dawns in my mind as the pieces click. "Percy, that's the whole point." I tell him. His eyes widen. "Oh shit." 

"What?" Annabeth asks. 

I sigh, damn Kronos and damn the spy. "The spy. They know we don't have any children of Ares. So they chose a monster we can't kill."  

Thalia walks up, a bow in her hands and a scowl on her face. "If I ever catch your spy, he's going to be very sorry. Maybe we could send another messenger to camp-" 

"I've already done it," Chiron said. "Blackjack is on his way. But if Silena wasn't able to convince Clarisse, I doubt Blackjack will be able—"

A roar pierced the morning air. Percy looks over at Rachel. "Get inside." He tells her as Annabeth shifts her weight, staring at the floor. 

Rachel shakes her head. "I want to stay." 

"Rachel," I step forward. "No offense but you don't really know how to fight. You helped a lot with your... mysterious messages. But for now, you have to go inside." 

Rachel stares at me for a moment. She's about to refuse when a snake like figure the size of a skyscraper slithered across. She gulped, paling. "Yeah, I'll go inside." 

I was a little jealous and for a minute, I wish I could join her.  

Awakened - T Stoll - Percy Jackson and The Olympians.Where stories live. Discover now