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The Hermes table, like it's cabin, is the most packed and most chaotic. People are shouting, I'm squished between a girl with dark, frizzy hair and a boy who's face is splattered with freckles. 

For the third time in the past two days. I'm about to die of embarrassment. The boy who's dream I accidentally invaded sits right in front of me. Staring at me with narrow eyes with a look of somewhat amusement and somewhat curiosity. 

"So." The boy speaks up. "I'm Travis. This is Connor. We're probably the best people you're going to meet at camp."

I raise an eyebrow. "Right. I'm very convinced." I mutter flatly. I feel my guard go up a bit. Yes, I feel bad that I invaded his dreams. But I know a cocky bastard when I see one. 

I glance over at his brother Connor who seems just as sleepy as when Chiron first introduced me to him. 

"So, are you guys twins?" I ask. The question seems to be a touchy subject. Travis groans. "No we aren't."

"We're brothers. And not just by Hermes. Same mom and everything. Travis is older." Connor says before quickly stuffing his face with mashed potatoes and gravy. 

I shake my head with a sigh. "I'm still wrapping my head around this." Since when did talking about which Olympian God is your parent become casual brunch conversation? My eyes wander over to the other tables. I can't tell which tables are for what gods. 

Except for one. They all are carrying a minimum of two weapons. I'm guessing Ares. 

Travis smiles. "Well, get used to it darling. And just to make sure... you're 100%  sure you're not a Hermes kid?" He asks carefully. 

Connor snickers. "God damn, Travis. Make it more obvious, why don't you?"

Travis shoots him a glare before focusing back on me. "I'm just curious. Who did you say your godly parent was again?"

"Hypnos. God of sleep and-"

"-And dreams." He finishes. He doesn't take his eyes off of mine and I'm reminded of what happened last night.

I invaded his dream. Or his... not dream more so. He smiles knowingly as Connor clears his throat. "It's our turn to tribute." 

Everyone at the table stands up like this is basic routine. "Take your plate." Connor tells me. I grab my plate, walking over to the fire pit.

I watch as one by one, the kids push some of their food off into the fire pit. Whispering thanks to Hermes.

Aside from the kids who don't whisper at all.

My heart tugs a little in pity for them. That must suck. Coming to a camp because you're some gods or goddesses offspring and having them not even claim you.

I wonder if these kid's godly parents even know they exist. They're gods. Sleeping with a mortal must be so... trivial to them.

I wonder if my dad knows I exist. 

I walk forward. Pushing a small section off into the fire. I'd push more.. but I'm really hungry.

"Thanks dad. Hypnos. Dad. Whichever you prefer." I mutter.

Smells of different meats, vegetables and spices rise up in the air and I start to see why we do this. Although. If they live up in Olympus.. they have unlimited food. So why do they need ours?

"Come on." Travis says, nudging me with his elbow.  I cast one last glance at my portion turning char black as the flames lick eagerly around them. 

Returning to my seat, Travis leans forward. "You have ash in your hair." 

Awakened - T Stoll - Percy Jackson and The Olympians.Where stories live. Discover now