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With defeated spirits, I walk down to the dining hall. Finding Travis and Connor talking. Despite their light nature, I notice the way Travis grips his shoulders and gives him reminders on combat. Or the way Connor keeps repeating they'll be fine and attempts a joke but can only force out a weak smile. 

Or the way Katie stands near the fireplace, throwing it some strawberries as her lips inaudibly mutter a prayer. Or the way Silena's tears stream down her cheeks as her sibling, whos' name I learned is Drew, smooths down her hair and tries to touch up her makeup. 

Everyone is stressed. Everyone is worried. 

My eyes catch on Annabeth who rushes towards me. Black camouflage, her dagger strapped to her arm, and what seems to be a laptop strapped to her back. "Imena. Change into this." She pushes folded back clothes into my chest. When I look down at them, I realize they're camouflage much like her own. 

"Annabeth, what's happening?" I ask worriedly. Annabeth's eyes darken with a fierce determination. As if she is staring at death and daring it to try. "Percy called me. Left me with some vague message saying to get every camper and bring them to Queens." 

My frown deepens as I look around. "All of them? And you're sure it was him?" I ask carefully. 

She nods. "Go get changed, I want you riding with me. There are three vans. We usually use them for the strawberries but they'll have to work."

I nod, hurrying off to the bathrooms. I quickly change but when I leave the stall and see myself in the mirror, only now does my appearance truly shock me. I don't look like I used to. 

The age I see in Annabeth's, Percy's, and Chiron's eyes are an age I now see in myself. I look more... At the risk of boosting my ego, I look more like a warrior or a soldier than I do myself. 

Talking about soldiers, I hurry down to Hermes cabin and walk over to Travis's bunk bed. I reach underneath the bed. Grabbing my sword. I use the blanket to wipe away the dust. 

I've wanted to use it... But then I think about Beckendorf which makes me think about Silena which makes me think about how easily Travis and I's love story can end up like theirs. 

We aren't different from any of the couples who now love an empty casket. 

Pushing the thoughts aside, I slip my sword into the black hilt and hurry back to the dining hall. Three vans sit outside, and a man leans against the door. To my surprise, he has eyes everywhere. And I mean... Everywhere. 

Two bird ladies climb into the driver's seats of two of the vans. Ignoring the weird sight, I walk inside to see Chiron and Annabeth standing in front, giving a speech. 

I look around, finding Travis and Connor standing near the Hermes table. Walking over, Travis's eyes meet mine and I know he was thinking the same thing I was just a few seconds ago. He pulls me into a hug. His sigh ruffling my hair. 

I turn around, my back against his chest as I look up at Chiron who sits in his wheelchair form. "-Must stick together and be brave in these peril times. Cabin Counselors, please go with Annabeth and I into Argus's van. Other cabins, please find an available van. Where is Clarisse and her cabin?" 

"She's not coming." I speak up. Travis's grip tightens on my waist as he grits his teeth. Murmurs of worries and anxieties ripple through the crowd. 

"Guys! Percy needs us! We can do this!" Annabeth speaks up. "Now, let's go!" 

Taking Travis's hand, I walk outside with him and Connor. The many-eyed man I saw before is apparently Argus. As we all walk up, Michael Yew sees our little trio and raises his eyebrow. "Usually, cabins only have one leader." He says as he opens the van door. 

Awakened - T Stoll - Percy Jackson and The Olympians.Where stories live. Discover now