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Luke smiles. Holding his hands up. "I come in peace." He muses. He shifts to show me his empty holster. "See? No sword for you to stab yourself with. Although that was a clever trick."

I take a step backwards. "Leave me alone, Luke. I talked to Annabeth. She says you're a good guy. Don't prove her wrong."

For a minute, his golden eyes flicker but they quickly regain their cold, stone hard composure. "It is not Luke you are speaking to, child."

My knees wobble as I take a step backwards. Mentally begging them not to give out. I know deep down who I'm talking to but my mind screams to deny it.

There's no way I'm talking to-

"Kronos." I say his name under my breath. Afraid that if I speak too loud... that I'll give his name more power.

More power than he already has.

"You don't have to fear me, child. I have not hurt you like the Gods have. I have not turned you away."

"The Gods haven't turned me away-"

"How is your father?" He interrupts.

My silence tells him everything he needs to know.

"You don't know what the fates have decided for you, do you?" He asks.

I can't look away from his golden eyes. I feel frozen. Unable to breath. Unable to move. "Get away from me." I grit out.

He takes a step forward. "I am trying to spare you, my child. Join me. The outcome of this choice is more merciful. I understand your darkness. And I will never fear nor hate you for it. Not like they will."

The chill he brings seeps into my veins. I have a feeling he's telling the truth and that's scarier than if he was lying. "I don't care what the fates have planned for me. I'm not joining you."

He laughs. "Oh, but you should. Do you think the Gods care about you? They're my children. I know them better than anyone. So believe me when I say... you demigods are just toys for them to play with."

"And what are we to you? Soldiers to win back your territory?" I ask, crossing my arms. "You claim to be different from them but you aren't."

He walks forward. The chill turns to ice as my guts heaven with led. He towers over me. His look scarier than anything. Death may be my greatest fear but his stare is a close second.

"Imena. Is this war really worth your life?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.
"Are you prepared to die for beings who see you as toy soldiers to sacrifice on their behalf? Are you prepared to die."

My eyes snap up to his. My heart freezing in my chest. He's lying. He's lying. He has to be. "You're lying." I whisper.

He slowly leans down, bringing his face close to mine. Hot tears press into my eyes. For a minute, what happened with Ms. Yurf flashes in my mind.

Enough to tempt the smores in my stomach to coming back up. Enough to have my mind scream at me to run far, far away.

"I think we both know I'm not."

My tears spill out onto my cheeks. "Get away from me." I whisper.

Kronos raises his hand and I flinch. He slowly brings it closer. Wiping a tear off my cheek. "Think about it, Imena. I'm offering you a chance to not only live... but thrive. Stay with them... and your soul will rot in The Fields of Punishment."

My breath catches in my throat. I close my eyes.

Wake the fuck up. I beg myself, but my pleads seem to be lost in the darkness. Doing nothing at all. 

Awakened - T Stoll - Percy Jackson and The Olympians.Where stories live. Discover now