This is the Story All About How My Life Got Flipped Turned Upside Down...

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I woke up. Today was supposed to be a good day, but then I remembered that I had to start volunteering at the daycare I had signed up to volunteer at. For the entire summer. You know what, I needed to think positive about this. What could go wrong?


A lot could go wrong. There were literally only two kids here, so I went to use the restroom for ONE MINUTE. When I came back, I saw the younger kid crying and the older one watching TV as if nothing was wrong.

Not only that, but the other two volunteers had quit this morning, and the directors weren't getting replacements because it was 'above their pay grade' to do so.

I looked at the crying kid. He had a bruise on his forehead. What the hell happened?? I looked back to the older kid. He hadn't even glanced over. The younger one was still crying.

I picked up the kid. Awkwardly. Incorrectly. At arm's length. The kid was still crying and I was completely lost. I decided to set the kid down instead. I was definitely doing something wrong.

What was I even supposed to do?? I was literally the only person here besides the older kid, who obviously did something to this crying child.

Oh, wait. Maybe I was supposed to ask what was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"KEITH HIT ME." The kid was still crying. The bruise was becoming more apparent.

I blinked. "Keith? Who's Keith??"

The kid who was watching TV stood up. He turned off the TV and stared at me for a second.

"I'm Keith."

The kid had obviously deepened his voice to say that. Oh, great. Let's see... were we dealing with a Batman kid, an emo, or both?

"...Okay, Keith. Why did you hit...-- him?" I realized two things. One, I didn't know the other kid's name. Two, I almost called him an 'it' in front of Keith.

"Lance said he wanted the remote, and I said that I would get it because I was older. He said he wanted it because he was better. So, I hit him. He wasn't supposed to snitch." Keith said matter-of-factly.

I stood there, partly in shock. "This was over the TV REMOTE?" I yelled. Keith took a step back. Shoot, I wasn't supposed to be traumatizing the kids. That was my dad's job. Jokes on him, I'm six feet tall, and he's six feet under.

"Look, you know what?" I took a deep breath. "You give him the TV remote for thirty minutes since you hit him, and then you can have it for a little bit."

All hell broke loose.

Keith's eyes turned from fear to rage in a matter of milliseconds. The other kid-- Lance-- stopped crying and ran toward Keith to take the remote. Keith slapped him across the face so hard that he spun in a circle before he fell.

Before I could stop and/or reprimand Keith, the doorbell rang. Shoot, another kid! I looked in between the door and the fight. Keith was now straddling Lance, punching him in the face.

I ran toward the fight and pulled Keith off of Lance. It didn't take much force; he didn't weigh much. Then again, I also effortlessly picked up a seven-year-old a little bit ago, so who knew?

I dragged Keith toward the door so he couldn't go after Lance again. Once I opened it, another little boy ran in. His mom smiled at me, but it faltered once she looked inside.

"Is he okay?" She asked, looking at Lance. I followed her gaze. Lance was bleeding. He was still conscious, but he was bloody and bruised. I snapped back around to face her.

the biggest 'ok hear me out' yet (what if Shiro ran a daycare?)Where stories live. Discover now