The Best Makeshift Dads in the World

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Adam was chatting with Keith, Lance, and Pidge at the dining table. Hunk and Allura were playing Pidge's Xbox while Coran and Lotor cheered them on. It seemed that the two were working together.

It was October, and Halloween was right around the corner. Adam was brainstorming ideas with the other three so that they could do a trio costume together. They had gone all-out: Paper and pens, color-coded and alphabetized, a ranking chart, the works.

I walked over to see how it was going. The papers and whatnot were spread all across the dining table. So far, they had only eliminated three of the fifty-six options. It had been hours.

"I think Option 22-B would be fun," Lance said. Pidge groaned. "Lance, we've been over this already. Keith and I want Option 22-A, and its majority rules." Keith nodded in agreement, "Yeah. And, besides, you just want it because it was your idea."

"Do not!" Lance shouted.

"Do too!" Keith yelled back.

This continued for a moment until Adam spoke up, "Boys, boys! Maybe we can eliminate two from one section and keep both Option 22-A and Option 22-B in the run for a bit?" The three kids looked at each other. "Well..." Pidge began, "I don't really care for Options 16-A or 16-B." The other two agreed.

Adam noticed me standing there and grinned. "Hey, I was thinking maybe we could do a partner costume and take the kids. I'm sure their parents would greatly appreciate it."

I nodded, "Yeah, that works. What were you thinking?" I asked him. He thought for a moment, "I don't know yet. We can brainstorm later." He said. I laughed. "Well, not like this, I hope. This looks too complicated for me." Adam laughed as well, "Don't worry. It won't be this extensive. This was their idea."

"Yeah! And it's going to work to get us the best costumes ever!" Keith exclaimed. I was about to walk away to check on the other four when Adam grabbed my attention. "Don't forget, honey, it's your turn to go grocery shopping."

"Don't worry, I've got it covered." I shot him a thumbs-up and moved over to the living room. The kids were dead silent in anticipation. I watched curiously, having no clue what was happening. Then, they all erupted into cheers. The TV lit up in gold with the words "YOU WIN" on it.

I walked up to the back of the couch and leaned forward. "Good job, guys," I said. They started rambling excitedly about the final moments of the game and how Hunk and Allura took down the bad guy just before time ran out.

Coran and Lotor then asked for a turn, and the controllers were handed over. I turned back to the kitchen/dining room combo, where the others were still deciding on costumes. I walked over and opened the fridge. "Hey, kids, why don't you go see what the others are up to? I need to borrow Adam for a moment."

They agreed and ran into the living room. I grabbed a bottle of champagne and poured a couple of glasses. I took them, careful not to spill them, over to the dining room table and passed one to Adam.

"Happy four-month anniversary," I said, holding up my glass. Adam smiled. "Happy four-month anniversary, Takashi." We clinked glasses as a sort of toast to our relationship.

I looked over to where the kitchen became the living room and sighed. "Keith, put your phone away. You aren't even supposed to have it, let alone film us." Keith giggled and put his phone away, "Listen, Shiro, I'm sorry, I couldn't help it this time."

I shook my head amusingly and swiveled back to Adam. He was laughing quietly. The two of us locked eyes. Suddenly, everything around us was forgotten, pulled into the background. It was all about us now.

Adam put his champagne glass down on the table and stood up. The kids' voices dwindled away. We leaned closer and shared a kiss. It wasn't the first and, luckily, it wouldn't be the last. As we pulled away from each other, the world faded back into perspective. The kids' voices came back as loud as ever, and Keith was taking photos again.

"Keith!" I shouted, but I was joking this time. He burst into laughter, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! You two were just too picture-perfect! Plus, how are my followers supposed to know I have the best makeshift dads in the world?? This is how."

I smiled. "The best makeshift dads, huh?" I asked. Keith beamed, "Of course!" It was nice to see him so happy since he was typically being moody. It was also amazing to know that Adam and I had caused that happiness, involuntarily or not.

Keith called Pidge and Lance back, and the three continued arguing over which costume was the best. Meanwhile, Coran and Lotor were trying to beat what seemed to be the same game as Hunk and Allura.

I set my champagne glass down on the counter. Everyone seemed so happy and it wasn't chaotic. Everything was nice and peaceful, even if it wasn't exactly quiet. There hadn't even been a single incident in days.

I turned back to look at Adam. I couldn't believe that it had already been four months since we got together in June, just shortly after we met. He was an absolutely amazing boyfriend and an even better friend.

What had I done to deserve him?

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