My Typing Gives the Writer the Ick

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Cringe Warning: Shiro's typing (I can't get myself to change it)

Jail was not fun. It was cold, lonely, isolated. The bench inside was rock-hard and uncomfortable. It felt like it was -20 degrees inside. I was shivering, having still not changed out of my swimsuit. I could still feel the water on my skin.

Despite all of that, all I could think about was if the kids were okay or not. I obviously didn't like them, but I was technically in charge of them. Therefore, if something happened to them, I would get in trouble for it. ...And they would be injured.

I looked down. I had failed these kids for what felt like the millionth time. The kids had been put in danger by each other a lot yesterday, and now they were alone at the beach.

Someone walked in, but I didn't look up. A bright red caught my eye, which reminded me of Keith. I had left Keith alone with the other six kids. What was he going to do?

Suddenly, the cell door opened. I glanced up in surprise. The bright red I had seen out of the corner of my eye was Keith! I stood up and asked, "What's going on?" Keith leaned onto the wall, crossing his arms.

"I paid your bail. Let's go." I blinked. "How??" "The money isn't important. Come on." He said. Wait... where did he get the money? That wasn't even what I was asking.

"No," I began, "Not the money... You're not eighteen. How did you do that?" Keith's eyes widened a little. "Oh." I raised an eyebrow, and he cleared his throat, "I have a couple of connections around here, strong enough to just hand over... the money... and have someone else use it. So, come on." His voice had quieted and sped up at 'the money.' He was hiding something, but I couldn't ask now. Where were the rest?

I stepped out of the cell. The door closed behind me. "Keith... where is everyone else?" He smiled. "Don't worry! I got them to pack everything up and put it back in the van! They're outside."

The two of us started walking toward the exit of the building. "What??" I asked. "I bought them ice cream on the way! They're plenty busy." He said.

I stopped him. "Keith. Pidge is lactose intolerant." He paused, "...Oh." We kept walking. I sighed. "Where, exactly, are they?"

"They're right--" We made it outside. It was barren. "--here..." Keith looked around. "Oh no. Where did they go??" "...Oh my god, Keith." He had lost the kids?? How did he lose the kids??

"It's not my fault! What was I supposed to do with them?? I'm TWELVE. I can't take them back to the daycare! I can't DRIVE. This isn't my JOB."

I realized Keith was right. I sighed again. "Let's just find them... okay?" Keith stared at me blankly. "Are you not going to... you know... apologize for leaving a twelve-year-old alone with six kids to watch at the beach??" Now it was my turn to stare. "Hmm... no. Now let's go."


Keith and I were walking down a street near the beach. Well, he was running. I couldn't be asked. He stopped outside an arcade. "Shiro, we have to check in here. They probably went in here."

I looked at him. "Keith, that's still not my name. It's Takashi." I said. "It's your name now." He said before running in. I followed him in. I stopped to talk to the lady at the front desk. Keith continued in. The lady stared at me. "How can I help you today?" She asked. She already sounded annoyed.

"Uh... did some little kids run in here? Six of them?" I asked her. "Sir, you have to be more specific." She said. "Right... uh..." Before I finished speaking, Keith ran back to the front. "I found them all!" He said.

I thanked the lady and followed Keith to a spot near the back of the arcade. I only counted five kids, so I brought that up to Keith. He counted them as well, and paused for a moment.

the biggest 'ok hear me out' yet (what if Shiro ran a daycare?)Where stories live. Discover now