I Get Arrested

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I woke up at around four in the morning and quickly realized I was not going to be able to go back to sleep. I poured myself some coffee in the kitchen and sat down on the porch. There wasn't light out yet, and it was serene. I knew the sun would rise in only a couple of hours, so I enjoyed it while it lasted.

I started making a mental note of everything I needed to buy before the daycare opened. I would need food for the beach, some form of transportation, and other supplies in case the kids didn't have any.

I knew the store opened at five, so I changed out of yesterday's clothes and drove over. It was really easy to find everything I needed to get, and luckily it all came pretty cheap.

By the time I got all of the supplies set up to be transported, the sun was rising. I sat back down on the porch and watched it. Everything was going to be okay.

Suddenly, a minivan came skirting into the driveway. I jumped up in confusion. Then, one of the directors hopped out, swinging the keys around his finger.

"Consider transportation arrived." He said, tossing me the keys. I managed to catch them without making a fool out of myself. With that, he walked off. Was he seriously going to walk all the way back? Of course, I also wasn't complaining. I wasn't going to drive him back to wherever he came from.

It took a minute, but I moved all of my supplies into the back of the minivan. Now, all I needed was the kids.

Everyone slowly arrived except for Lotor. I had another interesting encounter with Sam Holt.

It started with him eating a bunch of those peach-flavored mints and offering me some again. I politely declined. Then, he started off on some rant about how he and his wife's anniversary was coming up. It was actually really sweet, or at least it would've been if I was paying attention.

He finally left, and I shut the door. "Where's Lotor?" Allura asked. I shrugged, "I don't know, but we'll wait for him, don't worry."

Five minutes passed before he arrived. He knocked on the door, and when I opened it, he was standing alone again. He looked pretty dejected. I glanced at the other kids, all standing there expectantly, and stepped outside for a moment.

"Hey, Lotor. Are you okay?" He shook his head, "My dad wouldn't sign the permission slip." My heart sank. This poor kid looked so sad. I thought for a moment. What could I do?

Then it came to me. "Hey, Lotor, come inside. I'll print off another slip. Last I checked, it just said an adult had to sign it. A little error I made yesterday. And, as far as I'm aware, I am, in fact, an adult."

He looked down. "But I don't have a swimsuit or anything." He said. I got down to his level. "Then we can stop at the store and get you a new one, okay? You're coming with us."

He looked back up at me. "Really?" He asked. I nodded, "Of course." He instantly perked up and turned to face the car that had been sitting idly on the street the whole time. He waved goodbye and ran inside. I followed him in.

The other kids cheered. It was finally time to go to the beach. I loaded all of their stuff into the minivan, and everyone piled in. On the way to the beach, I stopped by the store, just like I had promised Lotor. I bought him a new swimsuit, and we got to the beach.

When we got there, the kids grabbed their stuff and ran ahead of me while I grabbed everything else. When I caught up to them, they had thrown their stuff down and were talking to some policemen. I put my stuff next to all of theirs and walked over to them.

"No, you guys cannot go in the water today. There are riptides that could kill you all if you go in." An officer was saying. "See? I told you." Said Hunk, "We can't go in. My mom told me." I cleared my throat, realizing I had forgotten to tell the kids about the riptides. "Unfortunately," I began, "the officer here is right. It's too dangerous to go in the water."

It took some convincing, but the kids finally agreed to stay on land. It was beautiful out. Some of them had brought toys with them and grabbed those out of their beach bags. I had also grabbed some at the store and laid those out as well.

I set up a couple of chairs and an umbrella in our spot. I moved all of the kids' bags to one area and set up the food. I had separate coolers for everything. I had spent a lot of the morning making all different kinds of sandwiches, and seven of each, that way, if all the kids wanted one kind of sandwich, that was possible. They were cut into triangles. In another one, there was a random assortment of fruit, each put in Ziploc bags. The last one contained water (and a hidden vodka).

Keith ran up to me. "Thanks for bringing us, Shiro." He said, digging a watermelon slice out of the cooler that I had just set up oh-so-perfectly. "Keith, that's not my name. You realize that, right?" I asked. "It is now." He said. I shook my head, "No, Keith. My name is Takashi. 'Shiro' is a piece of my last name."

"Yeah, I know that, but it's your name now." He said insistently. "Keith, if you keep arguing with me I will bury you under the sand," I said. He checked his nails like every stereotypical mean rich girl ever. "I don't know how you're going to do that with one arm, but you can try." He said.

I tossed him over my shoulder effortlessly. He exclaimed, "Shiro-- Shiro! What are you--" I tuned him out, with the occasional "That's not my name." Balancing him on my shoulder, I was quickly able to make a hole in the sand.

Apparently, it was quicker than Keith expected. "Hey... wait, that's not possible!" He said. I chuckled, "It is now, Keith." I threw him into the pit I had made and covered it up. "Shiro!" He shouted, sounding somewhat panicked. "That's not my name," I said again. I finished filling it back in and left him there.

When I turned back around to check on the kids, I only counted five. Panicked, I looked around the rest of the shore. I couldn't see them. I turned back toward the set-up to see if they had snuck behind me.

Suddenly, I felt a blast of water hit the back of my head. I skirted around just in time to see Lance diving back into the water. ...The water. THE WATER? How did he get in the water??

I saw Pidge in the water, too, holding a water gun. She blasted one of the officers in the head and dove back down before he could see her. Lance did the same. They were taking turns.

I ran toward the ocean. It wasn't safe in there. They had to get out. I had to get them out.

Before I could reach the water, two officers stopped me. They grabbed me by the arms and held me back. Lance and Pidge kept jumping in and out of the water, having a grand time. I had to get to them. They could get hurt.

I broke free and jumped into the ocean. God, I hated the ocean. I managed to swim out to where they were, although they were decently far out. The officers were shouting at me but refused to follow me in.

I grabbed ahold of both of them. "Kids, go back to the shore. It's not safe here." This time, they took me seriously and went back to the shore. I swam behind them, prepared to grab them in case they began to get swept away in the waters.

Once the three of us made our way back to the sand, a police officer latched onto me. My eyes widened. I looked around. I could see all the kids from here. At least they were safe.

I could feel the handcuffs being put around my wrists, and I could hear my Miranda rights being read off by the officer, but all I could focus on were the kids. Who was supposed to watch them if I got arrested on the beach?? They couldn't stay unsupervised.

As I was quite literally dragged away from the beach, I passed by Keith, who had managed to make his way out of the hole. I shot him what was supposed to be a 'watch the kids' look but was probably more of an 'I'm insane' look. Luckily, he got the memo.

"Don't worry, Shiro!" He yelled as I was being pulled away, "Everything's going to be okay!" "THAT'S NOT MY NAME!" I shouted. Then, I was shoved into the cop car, and it drove away. My last glimpse was Keith running toward a couple of the other kids.

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