Cakes and Oceans (but NOT Cake by the Ocean)

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I looked around. Had he climbed the fence??

He couldn't climb the fence, right? How old was he? Twelve, right? Maybe he could climb the fence, then. Then, I saw it: A flash of red. That had to be his jacket! I jogged over there and saw Keith attempting to climb the fence. He hadn't noticed me yet.

He had climbed onto the AC unit on the ground and was trying to get over the fence that way. Once he realized it wasn't working, he began trying to climb the house. He grabbed onto the windowsill and hoisted himself up. I had to stop him. Now.

I grabbed him and pulled him down. He tried to get free, but I held on to him until he touched the grass. Once I let go, he immediately tried to get back on the air conditioner. I grabbed him again, and I didn't let go this time.

"If I told you we were going to the beach tomorrow, would you stop?" I said without thinking. He immediately relented. Great. Now I had to take these idiots to the beach. Tomorrow. I hated the ocean.

I dragged him back inside and looked around. There were Cheeto Puffs all over the couch. Pidge and Hunk were still engrossed in their game, and Lance was watching, but everyone else was gone.

I sighed. "Where are Allura, Coran, and Lotor?" I asked. Lance looked over.

"I'm pretty sure they went upstairs." He said.

Shoot. I didn't childproof up there! They weren't even supposed to be up there! I let go of Keith. "If you go ANYWHERE, we aren't going tomorrow," I told him. "Going where??" Pidge asked. "We're going to the beach tomorrow!" Keith shouted.

I ran up the stairs, ignoring the cheers of the other three. I could hear the laughter of children already. WERE THEY IN MY BEDROOM?

I wanted to kill these kids.

I burst into my bedroom to see an absolute horror. Allura and Coran were fighting-- or play-fighting??-- on my bed. Everything had been taken off the bed. They even managed to get the fitted sheet off.

Meanwhile, Lotor was reading out a book. "Today, I met a cute guy at the store. The two of us exchanged numbers, but I ended up going to his place anyway."

Oh my god. That was my journal.

And I knew exactly what came next.

I ran over there and yanked it from his hands as he was reading, "Once we got there, we began doing-- HEY! I was reading that! What were the two doing??" He asked me. I blinked. "Uh... dance lessons!" I said. Heh. Close enough.

I put it back on the desk where it had been before. "Hey, Lotor, go downstairs," I said. He shook his head and crossed his arms. "If Allura and Coran get to be up here, I do too." He said.

I sighed again. "Look, none of you guys are allowed up here. I'm going to get them too, but please go downstairs." I said.


Oh. My. God. I. Was. Going. To. Kill. Him.

"There's... cake downstairs."

He ran out. Wait... what did I just say? I really needed to stop using bribery that I don't have. I pulled out my phone and dialed a bakery. "Hello? Yes, hi. I, uh, I need to order a cake."

I used my shoulder to hold the phone to my ear and grabbed Allura. I dragged her to the floor. "Okay, sir, what kind of cake would you like?" The lady on the other end asked me.

I grabbed Coran. Allura climbed back on the bed. "Uh... any, really. Just... a cake. Dairy free. Please." I said as I pulled Allura back off. When I did, Coran got back on the bed. Both were giggling like crazy. They thought this was funny!

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