The Story of Teke Teke

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NOTE: There are SOOO many different versions of the Teke Teke story, this is just ONE of those versions. If you personally know this story and it doesn't line up, please know that doesn't mean I'm wrong. There are so many variations and altercations to the myths, and I'm doing my best to represent it well. Thank you!!:)

That night, Hunk finished making the cookies. The kids were playing Xbox or watching others play. The wolf-- Kosmo-- was curled up on the couch, cuddled up next to Keith. Kosmo had seemed to take a liking to him, and Keith obviously adored him back. I had never seen him as peaceful as he was right then.

Hunk placed the plate with the cookies down on the coffee table. I stood up. "Do you guys want any marshmallows with these?" I asked, knowing that I had some in my pantry that I had bought for the kids specifically. I needed them to eat them anyway.

The kids cheered. I went to the kitchen and looked for the marshmallows while they started eating the cookies. When I grabbed the bag, Lotor took it from me. I raised an eyebrow. "Lotor, give those back," I said.

He looked up at me with soft eyes. "I've never had a marshmallow before." He whispered. I sighed and let him take the bag into the living room. He darted off, opening it and passing some to the other kids first. He carefully grabbed one of the marshmallows. They were the jumbo ones, which made his hand look small. He tentatively took a bite out of one, seeming nervous.

Suddenly, Lotor's eyes lit up. The marshmallow was gone in a matter of no time. I couldn't help but laugh at how quickly he had eaten it. While the other kids were eating marshmallows, Allura turned to Lotor. "You wanna see who can eat the most marshmallows?" She asked him. He grinned, "Yeah!"

The two started eating marshmallows as quickly as they could. Lotor looked like he was having the time of his life. I was glad he was happy. I looked over and noticed Keith trying to feed Kosmo a marshmallow. Dogs couldn't eat marshmallows, so I assumed wolves couldn't have them either.

"Keith," I started, "Marshmallows have xylitol. Don't give him that." I said. Keith stared at me. "But he needs to eat something." He said. I sighed. Keith was right. Kosmo needed to eat something.

"Yeah, and we need a real dinner." Lance chimed in. I paused. I needed to feed them, didn't I? I looked through my house for a bit before finding some burgers I could grill in the backyard. I assumed Kosmo could eat those too. I wasn't interested in taking him to the vet.

"Can I learn how?" Hunk asked, looking up at me. I smiled, "Yeah, sure, come on, I'll show you." He followed me outside and I fired up the grill. It didn't take long to heat up, so I put the food on there.

"I've never used a grill before." Hunk said, "They look cool, but my dad doesn't let me touch the grill because he likes it." He continued. He was looking at it with wide eyes.

It didn't take me long to cook the burgers. I let Hunk flip a couple of them. Once I passed them out to the kids, it didn't take them long to eat. I put some chopped-up ones in a bowl on the floor for Kosmo. While the kids were eating, I overheard Pidge and Keith talking.

Pidge lathered her burger in ketchup. "You found a dog on the street??" She asked excitedly. Keith nodded. "Yup. Or, well, it's a wolf, but yes." He replied. She grinned, "Did you name it 'Kosmo' with a 'C' or a 'K'??" Keith sighed. "A 'K'. Like Keith." He sounded a bit more annoyed. The following questions and answers were rapid-fire, with Pidge getting louder and more excited and Keith getting more annoyed.

"What's your favorite color?"


"Do you like ketchup?" Her eyes lit up.

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