Keith is [Sad]istic

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Coffee was not going to get me through the day. It felt like hell. Lance was talking my ear off about something-- I'm not even sure what. Pidge had brought her Xbox again, and everyone else was arguing over who got to play against her, with Pidge refusing to take sides. I was living on six cups of coffee.

The coffee wasn't helping me stay awake. It was only making me jittery and confused. I was unaware of my surroundings. Nevertheless, I continued to work on my seventh in hopes it would suddenly (and magically) kickstart my brain into action.

When I finished it, I was struck with an idea. I turned to Lance. "Hey, why don't you go decide who gets to play on the Xbox?" I asked. He agreed and ran over there. I poured myself another cup of coffee and looked around. All of the kids were in the living room. I grabbed a bottle of vodka out of the fridge and poured some into my coffee.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I snapped my head around. It was Keith. I panicked. "Uh... nothing?" I shoved the bottle back into the fridge and shut it, but it was too late. He had seen it. "That was water." I smiled at him.

"That was alcohol. I'm not stupid. I'm twelve." Keith said. Those last two sentences seemed to contradict, but I didn't say anything. I sighed, "Look, just don't tell the others, and I'll..." I trailed off.

"And you'll what?" Keith asked. "I'll..." I didn't know what to offer. "Do you want more cake??" I asked. Keith shrugged, "I don't know, that sounds kind of... cheap."

He was using me! He knew that I could very well get in some form of trouble for this. He looked at me disdainfully. "Any other offers?" I was so frustrated. I glared at Keith, "Well, what do you want, then?"

Keith smirked. "You know what would be great? A new tablet, some earbuds, maybe a cake or two, as well... you know, the basics." My jaw dropped. "That's hundreds of dollars! You think I have that kind of money?" I asked, "I don't get paid here!"

"That sounds kind of like a you problem." He said. I set the coffee mug down. "How about we drop the tablet? I'll get some earbuds and another cake. Okay?" I asked. Keith considered this for a second. "Fine." Then, he added, "Shiro."

"That's. Not. My. Name." I said. Keith shrugged. "Earbuds and cake. Now." I grabbed my phone and called the cake place. I was about to start speaking when Keith held his hand out. Did he want the phone?

I shook my head. He glanced at his watch, signifying that my time was running short. I handed him the phone. He took over from there. "Hey... is Adam working today?" He asked. My eyes widened. I went to grab the phone from him, but he took a step back. "What are you doing??" I asked, trying to keep my voice down. He put a finger to his lips.

"Well... I want to order a cake, but I'm specifically requesting that he delivers it." Keith told her. He waited for a response, and then said, "What's the most expensive cake you have?" I was shocked, but I couldn't get myself to move. I was still freaking out about the Adam part. "Yes, we'd like eight of those." He waited for another response. "Yes, I'm sure."

He smirked, "And yes, we do want Adam. I'm sure." His eyes lit up mischievously. "Oh, and could you leave him a message?? ... Yes, could you just write 'You are extremely cute' on it?" He asked.

I tried to take the phone again, but he swiftly jumped onto the counter. "You can just put the cakes and the note under the name 'Shiro,' and that will work." He said, clambering on top of the fridge.

"No last name." He continued. I assumed what happened next was the lady relayed the information. "Yes, that all checks out," He said, "Thank you!" He gave them my address and hung up the phone.

He was sitting criss-cross applesauce on the fridge. He tossed my phone down to me, and I caught it. I was fuming. "Keith, what the hel-- heck??" I said, remembering I couldn't curse in front of the children.

the biggest 'ok hear me out' yet (what if Shiro ran a daycare?)Where stories live. Discover now