The --Show-- Story Must Go On

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A/N: The word "show" should be crossed out, but Wattpad doesn't support markthrough formatting.

On the final day of daycare, I had a plan set up. I wanted to make this the best last day ever for the kids. As they all filed in, I made them stay in the living room. They were all confused as to why they weren't allowed anywhere else, but I kept them in the dark until the final one arrived.

"Okay, everyone! This is how this is gonna work. I have created a scavenger hunt--" Cue gasps. "--with a prize at the end! Here is the first clue." I handed over the card, which read:

"Keith once said he was going to 'the treehouse' and went here instead."

Keith's eyes lit up. "Hey! I forgot about that!" He grinned and raced outside to the backyard. The other children followed him as he made his way to the air conditioner outside. He had tried to climb over the fence by standing on it.

The next hint rested on it:

"On the first day, Keith and Lance got into a fight. Lance went here and knew how to use the first aid kit."

"Wait, where did you go?" Coran asked, passing the card to Lance. It took him a few moments to read it. I could see the gears turning in his head as he figured out the words. "The bathroom." He answered.

Coran and a couple of others ran that way. He looked confused. "Why are they going there?" He asked. I chuckled, "Lance, they're looking for the next hint." It clicked in his brain and he dashed off.

I followed them. They all were shocked to find the clue not on a surface. Lance kneeled under the sink and opened the cabinet, grabbing the first aid kit. How had he even remembered where it was?

He popped it open and found the next hint. He cheered and put the first aid kit away before unfolding the slip of paper:

"Hunk taught me how to color here."

Hunk gasped. "I remember that! You didn't color correctly." He crossed his arms, and I let out an exasperated sigh, still not knowing what he meant by that statement.

They all stampeded to the kitchen in a frenzy to find the next clue. It rested on the same countertop from the island that we had colored at. Hunk took it. It read:

"Allura, Coran, and Lotor ran upstairs and went here, causing chaos everywhere they went."

Allura smiled. "Can we go up there this time?" She asked. I nodded, "Yes, you may. But only this once." The kids darted off. I placed the prize in the living room discretely before following them.

Allura and Coran were tearing everything off of my bed. Again. At least it was for a reason this time. While they searched, Lotor looked up at me. "Do you remember what I was reading?" He asked.

"When?" I inquired. "The day I was up here, I was reading in a little notebook." He explained. OH. I remembered that. He had been reading an entry from one of my one-off dates back at the beginning of summer. It had gotten pretty... adult... but luckily I had taken it from Lotor before he could keep reading.

I slowly shook my head. "Nope. No clue. Sorry." I said. He was already gone, though, as the kids had found the final clue:

"This is the only item in the house that I do not own. It belongs to Pidge."

Pidge connected the dots instantly. "It's my Xbox!" She exclaimed, leading the kids back downstairs. Sitting on top of the Xbox were seven bags of chocolate. All of them immediately grabbed one-- Pidge making sure to grab the dairy-free one due to her lactose intolerance. They were all thanking me over and over again. It was honestly an adorable sight.

the biggest 'ok hear me out' yet (what if Shiro ran a daycare?)Where stories live. Discover now