You Got Games on Yo Phone?

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At 5:30 PM that day, none of the parents had come to pick up their kids yet. They were supposed to get them at 5:00 PM. I turned to the kids. "Do you guys know where any of your parents are?" I asked.

Keith grinned almost sadistically. "Yeah." He simply said. I tilted my head. "Okay... so where are they?" I inquired. His smile only grew. "Oh, you know, they're at their house, since we're spending the night." He said, explaining it like I was stupid.

I raised an eyebrow. "No, Keith. You guys were supposed to leave at five." I told him sternly, but he just shook his head and said, "Nope! In fact, you already texted the parents to let them know that we are in fact sleeping over."

I shook my head. That wasn't possible. The only thing I had texted the parents was that I would be making breakfast from then on. But when I checked my phone, which had mysteriously been put on Do Not Disturb, I saw a bunch of messages from parents. The only surprising thing was I got a response from Lotor's mother.

Lotor's Mom: K.

I scrolled up to see what 'I' had said.

Me: Hey guys! If it's okay with you all, the kids want to spend the night over here. Bring their stuff around 6 if you're okay with them coming. Respond when you see this! -Shiro

I almost dropped my phone. I had not sent that to anyone, especially not the parents of these kids. And I knew this because I wouldn't EVER sign off as Shiro. Keith started laughing. I glared at him. "When did you even do this??" I demanded. "When you were talking to Coran!" He said in between giggles. I facepalmed. I had left my phone unattended when I was comforting Coran earlier.

"No, you guys cannot stay here." I insisted. Keith grinned. "And what? Explain to all of the parents that a kid got your phone and sent out a text, and they're actually all..." He checked his watch. "...thirty-four minutes late to pick up their kids?" He asked. He had me there. I couldn't say that.

So one by one, the parents dropped off their kid's overnight bags. Lotor's was left by the door with no one there. I opened the door almost instantly, but there wasn't even a car in sight. The only reason I knew it was his was because it had his name on it.

I let the kids do mostly whatever they wanted since they knew the rules by now. At one point, Lance looked up at me. "Do you have any games on your phone?" He asked me. I shook my head. "No... but if you want, I can find some," I said.

His eyes lit up. "Okay!" He shouted. He helped me find a couple of games he found interesting and I handed him my phone and started making myself some coffee. When I sat down on the couch with my mug, Lance was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged it off, thinking he was probably in the bathroom.

Until I realized that Keith was also missing, which was never good. I searched through the house. Nothing. I looked upstairs. Nothing. I checked the backyard. Still nothing. They had left the daycare entirely.

In my panic, I got Keith's phone out of his bag called Krolia. She answered almost instantly. "They're here." She said dryly. I blanched. "What?" I asked. "Keith and Lance. They walked here. Lance has your phone. He's playing Candy Crush." She said.

"I'm on my way." I started, but she cut me off. "Don't. I'll bring them when I drop off Keith's stuff. You need to stay with the kids." She told me. "Right, right... uh, sorry." I said quietly. "Don't apologize, I know my kid. He's a lot." She replied bluntly.

The doorbell rang. I thanked Krolia, apologized again, and hung up. When I opened the door, Lance's mom was there with his bag. She handed it to me. "Can I see him?" She asked. I froze. Lance wasn't there. "Uh... he's in the restroom right now, but you'll see him in the morning," I said.

the biggest 'ok hear me out' yet (what if Shiro ran a daycare?)Where stories live. Discover now