You Want Me To What?...

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     It was unbelievable. We were about 6 months into our time in here and Claire had already made a lot of progress. We flew in the air locked in a fisticuffs, clashing and spiraling with each strike. Once her and I got to training we had started wearing the battle suits that Bulma designed based on Vegeta's Saiyan armor. The blue under suits had been torn and full of holes for the last few months now, but that didn't stop us from training harder. Claire swung a kick around that almost struck me, but I managed to flip out of the way and into a stance for a Kamehameha. I fired the wave attack with a yell, and Claire responded with her own Ki blast to deflect mine. An explosion rocked the air between us, and when the smoke cleared we were both out of breath. Claire floated back down and set a hand on her hip.
     "How was that?" She asked with a cocky smirk. I shot her a smile and a thumbs up as I caught my breath. My eyes ended up wandering over her though. The battle suit she was wearing hugged her figure perfectly, and my eyes were drawn to her curves. It's wasn't just that though. She kept her hair in a wild ponytail all the time, and the tears in her suit fit her personality perfectly. Oh my kami. She's utterly... dangerous. She's a Saiyans dream.
     "What, like what you see?" Claire asked with a sly smile. She had leaned forward a bit and adjusted her armor vest a bit. My face heated up rapidly and I turned away in embarrassment as she called me out. Claire walked up to me and stood me up with her arms over my shoulders.
"Y-You're getting really strong Claire," I said to her. Claire smirked and started floating with her back to the ground looking up at me.
"Something on your mind?" She asked. I gulped as my eyes were drawn to her chest again. Claire giggled again, and I just knew that she knew where I was looking.
"Maybe we should take a break for a bit?" Claire said as she went back to her feet.
"I think I could do with some meditation," I said, sort of bashfully. Claire shrugged and started walking back to the living area.
"Alright then. I think I'm gonna take a bath," Claire said. I looked back over to her as she walked, and felt my heart pound watching her hips sway. I stifled a sigh as she walked, her butt fully captivating me. Claire looked back at me with a smile, making me turn away with a massive blush. I sat down on the ground for a moment and let out a sigh. Damn these instincts of mine. I decided to walk back to the living area myself and meditate in the center. As I sat down and closed my eyes to meditate my mind wandered. I couldn't clear it at all and had nothing but Claire in my head. She was dancing and fighting and just driving me crazy! And everything kept flooding back to whenever I was protecting her. The look in her eyes every time full of wonder. I groaned aloud and fell to my back with my hands over my eyes.
     "Celton!" I heard Claire call out. I opened my eyes sort of confused. Isn't she taking a bath? I stood up and walked over around the corner of some pillars to where the bath was, and the sight I beheld was heart-stopping. Claire stood with an arm behind her back and her head tilted slightly for me. There wasn't a shred of clothing on her as she stood with a blush and a smile.
     "Care to join me?" She asked. I was paralyzed by the sight of her body, struggling to keep myself under control and calm. Good Kami she's beautiful...
     "U-uh, a-are you sure?" I asked, feeling my instincts trying to break loose. Claire kept her eyes right on me, and I could've sworn I saw a hunger in them myself.
     "Of course," Claire said. She slowly walked over to me, and I felt like my heart was about to burst. I gasped slightly as she set a hand on my chest, and used her other hand to set mine on her bare hip. Dear Kami there is no way this is happening?!!
"I saw the looks you gave me earlier. They've been getting more common," she said. "But I can't say I haven't looked at you like that either."
"Y-you have?" I asked, shocked. Great! She gets naked and you turn into an nervous wreck again!
"Yes, now are you gonna get undressed or am I throwing you in fully clothed?" She basically ordered to me. Claire set her hand on my cheek and let it trail across my chin as she walked away, making me shudder. I shuddered?! She made me shudder!? That was the tipping point that convinced me. I walked over to the edge of the bath and watched Claire slowly set down in the water. I discarded my clothes and quickly got in the water and closed my eyes. I knew that Claire was fine with this, but I still wanted to be as respectful as I could be. I took a deep breath while I sort of sank in the water with just my eyes above it.
"Celton," Claire said. I opened my eyes to see her sitting in front of me now instead of against the wall. She giggled a little bit while I just stared into her eyes.
"No need to be shy about this," she said as she sort of crawled over to me. Her hand rested onto my tail and I yelped as my body locked up. Claire retreated back again with some concern on her face. "What was that?"
"Sorry, pressure on a Saiyan's tail causes our bodies to lock up or go limp. Depends on the age," I explained. Claire listened intently, before she grew a little smirk on her face. Before I could say another word, Claire took hold of my tail. I locked up and yelped again just before her lips made contact with mine, as well as her body. After a moment she let go of my tail to hold my face, and in that moment my instincts slipped. I flipped us around so that Claire was against the wall and with an animalistic growl I started to attack her neck with my lips.
"Celton!" I heard Claire swoon as I left marks on her neck. She wrapped her arms over my shoulders, and listening to her noises and feeling her body against mine just fueled the fire. With almost no control of myself, I brought my head over her shoulder and bit down into her. Her yelp sort of shook me out of my trance though. I jumped back from her quickly and turned away from her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"
"Hey," Claire interrupted me. Her hand rested on my shoulder and she turned me around in a hug. "It's ok. It's because you're a Saiyan, right?"
"Yeah. I've overheard Bulma talking about how Saiyans are as lovers," I muttered, still feeling guilty. We let go for a moment and turned our attention to the bite mark I left on her shoulder. The defined sharp teeth marks were dark and one of them drew a little blood.
"I guess Saiyans mark their lovers then," Claire said. My face was still red when I felt a pinch on my shoulder. I looked over to Claire, who had sunk her teeth into my shoulder. The mark she left on my shoulder was identical to her own mark. As soon as she let go she went straight to my lips to kiss me.
"Now you're marked too," she said with a smile. A warmth in my heart spread as the realization set in that Claire was just fine with my wild instincts. Claire swung me back over to the wall before laying her head on my shoulder.  I set my own head on hers as we enjoyed the warmth of the bath and each other. It was hard to believe that we still had another 6 months ahead of us with more training and hopefully more of us connecting like this. I couldn't wait for what was in store.

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