Chapter 12

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Liko and Roy with Ash and Misty meet Serena. They all went to the park to play. Liko and Roy laughed and ran around, while Ash and Misty chased each other through the trees. Serena watched with a smile, happy to be spending time with her friends. After some time, the group decided to head back home. They said their goodbyes and each of them went their separate ways. Serena was left with a feeling of warmth and contentment, feeling blessed to have such wonderful friends. The next day, Serena thought about the wonderful time she'd spent with her friends. She knew that she could always count on them, no matter what. With a heart full of gratitude, she made a silent promise to cherish every moment she shared with them. She was grateful for the companionship, the laughter, and the memories they created together. She realized that life is too short to take anything for granted and that she should cherish every moment she has with her friends. Serena knew that friendships can be fragile if not nurtured and that sometimes people drift apart. So she wanted to make sure to take every opportunity to appreciate her friends and not take them for granted. She wanted to make sure to create as many memories with them as possible and to never take for granted the time they spent together. Liko and Roy are so happy to meet Serena. Serena knew that it's easy to become complacent in relationships and to let them become stagnant. She wanted to make sure that she was always actively engaged with her friends and cherishing the time they spent together. She wanted to make sure that she was always creating new memories and strengthening their bond. She wanted to make sure that their friendship would always remain strong and meaningful. She wanted to ensure that the memories they made together would last a lifetime. She was determined to make the most of every moment.
Ash and Misty were so happy to see Serena again. They all promised to cherish their friendship and never take it for granted. They also vowed to stay in touch no matter what and always support each other. The three of them had been best friends since they were kids and had gone on many  I'm adventures together. So they knew how valuable their friendship was, and they wanted to make sure it would last forever. They hugged each other tightly and made a pinky promise to always stick together. Then they went their separate ways, knowing they would always have each other's backs.
End of chapter 12

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