Chapter 21

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Pokémon battle between Ash and Liko

Ash: You can do it, Sobble!

Sobble: (determined) Sob!

Liko: Use Water Gun, Dewpider!

Dewpider: Dew! (It fires the blast, but Sobble dodges)

Ash: Dodge it, Sobble, and then use Tackle!

Sobble: (agreeing and charging for the attack) Sob!

Liko: (gasps, but smirks) Dewpider, use String Shot!

(Dewpider launches the sticky silk threads on Sobble, causing it to squeal as it struggles)

Ash: Oh, no, you don't! Sobble, use your tears now!

(Sobble cries the tears into its own eyes, causing the silk threads to break and allow it to escape. It then charges and rams Dewpider into a tree)

Liko: Whoa!

Dewpider: Dew, p-pid...?

(Dewpider weakly crawls out, defeated, and Sobble looks on proudly)

Ash: Awesome job, Sobble!

Marnie: (thinking) Wow...!

Zoey: (thinking) Incredible.

Shauna: (thinking) That was amazing!

Liza: (thinking) Amazing...!

Pikachu: Pika! (impressed)

Riolu: Riolu...

(Sobble walks back to Ash, proud of itself, when suddenly...)

Bede: (sarcastic) Ha.

(The others looked at him)

Bede: Oh, please. Your "strategy" is so predictable. You just have your Pokemon hit them with a strong physical attack, like the rest of the simpletons do.

Ash: Huh?

Pikachu: (indignant) Pika?!

Sobble: (whimpers)

Bede: A strategy that predictable is the worst thing you can have in a match. It's no wonder you can't win, and that's why you have a reputation as a loser.

Ash: What?

Goh: Why you...

(Everyone was starting to feel angered)

Riolu: (growls) Riolu...!

Ash: Hey, that was just my first strategy!

Bede: I'm not interested in any strategy you can come up with.

Marnie: Oh, please!

Shauna: How can you be so mean!?

Goh: And what did we do to make you so upset?

Raboot: Raboot.

Rotom: That Bede person sure is acting like a big bully.

Chloe: (nods) Right.

Bede: Oh, don't flatter yourself, Goh. (takes a few steps towards the group) You know, I've got better things to do than listen to a bunch of amateurs. So, why don't you all just go home and study up on how to actually become a Trainer.

Sobble: (crying tears from frustration and humiliation) S-Sobble!

Ash: Come on, Sobble, let's go.

Bede: What do you mean, go? Weren't you listening?

(Ash ignores him and walks away, with Pikachu and the others following)

Liza: (shakes her head) What's with him?

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