Chapter 22

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ash and liko are walk around when they running to freide but freide not feeling well and liko know something wrong ash want to help but he doesn't want to get in the way though friede was not in the mood to say anything ash and liko are walk around when they running to freide but freide not feeling well and liko know something wrong ash want to help but he doesn't want to get in the way though friede was not in the mood to say anything
Ash and Liko were taking a leisurely stroll around the park when they suddenly ran into their friend Friede. However, it quickly became apparent that something was not right with Friede. Liko noticed this immediately and was concerned, but Friede was not in the mood to talk about it.
Ash, on the other hand, was torn between wanting to help and not wanting to get in the way. He knew that Friede was feeling unwell, but he didn't want to make things worse by intruding on Friede's privacy. Despite this, Ash couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility to help his friend.
In situations like these, it's important to remember that everyone has different ways of dealing with their problems. While some people may be open to discussing their issues, others may prefer to keep things to themselves. It's important to respect people's boundaries and offer support in a way that is comfortable for them. Sometimes, simply being there for someone and listening can make all the difference.
Ash and liko help Friede
Ash and Liko were good friends with Friede, who was going through a tough time. Friede had recently lost hos job and was struggling to make ends meet. Determined to help their friend, Ash and Liko decided to lend a hand in any way they could.
Firstly, they offered to help Friede in her job search. They went through job listings together and helped her tailor her resume to specific job applications. They also provided her with job interview tips and techniques to help her land a new job.
Secondly, Ash and Liko helped Friede with her finances. They shared some budgeting tips and helped her create a budget plan to manage her expenses effectively. They also helped her explore different options for financial aid and assistance programs that she might be eligible for.
Lastly, Ash and Liko were there to provide emotional support and encouragement to Friede. They listened patiently to her concerns and provided her with words of encouragement and positivity. They reminded her that she was not alone in her struggles and that they were there for her every step of the way.
In conclusion, Ash and Liko's efforts made a significant impact on Friede's life during her tough times. Through their assistance, they helped her get back on her feet and find a new job while also helping her manage her finances and emotional wellbeing. Their kindness and support were truly invaluable to their friend.
End of chapter 22

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