Chapter 20

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Friede meets Ash in a panic with Liko and Roy.

Friede's heart raced as he hurried through the bustling city streets, her mind consumed by worry. She had received a frantic call from her friend Ash, and it was clear that something was terribly wrong. With every passing second, Friede's anxiety grew, his thoughts racing through worst-case scenarios.

As she turned the corner, Friede's eyes met Ash's, who stood there with a mixture of fear and relief etched across their face. Without a moment's hesitation, Friede rushed towards them, her concern evident in her every step.

"Thank goodness you're here," Ash exclaimed, their voice laced with panic. "We need your help."

Friede nodded, he brows furrowed in deep concentration. He knew she had to stay calm and focused for both of them. "What's going on? What happened?" He asked, he voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around them.

Ash quickly motioned towards two figures standing nearby. Friede's eyes followed their gaze and landed on Liko and Roy, who seemed equally distraught. It was clear that whatever had brought them all together was something serious.

"Liko and Roy discovered something," Ash explained, their voice trembling. "Something they shouldn't have. We need to figure out what to do next."

Friede's mind was racing, trying to piece together the puzzle. She knew she needed more information to fully understand the gravity of the situation. "Tell me everything," she urged, her voice firm yet compassionate.

As Liko and Roy began to recount their discovery, Friede listened intently, his mind absorbing every detail. It was evident that their lives were about to change drastically, and Friede felt the weight of responsibility settle upon her shoulders.

Together, they brainstormed possible solutions, exploring every avenue in an attempt to unravel the mystery they found themselves entangled in. The panic in the air was palpable, but Friede remained determined to find a way out of this predicament.

Hours turned into minutes, and minutes into seconds as Friede, Ash, Liko, and Roy worked tirelessly to devise a plan. The urgency of the situation propelled them forward, their determination unwavering.

In the midst of the chaos and panic, Friede's unwavering presence provided a sense of calm for the group. They knew they could rely on her, her steady demeanor and quick thinking guiding them through the storm.

As the sun began to set, casting an orange hue over the city, Friede and her companions finally found a glimmer of hope. A plan began to take shape, a plan that would lead them towards resolution and safety.

With newfound determination, Friede met the others' eyes, his voice filled with resolve. "We can do this," she said firmly. "Together, we will navigate through this storm and come out stronger on the other side."

In that moment, Friede, Ash, Liko, and Roy formed an unbreakable bond, united by their shared panic and the determination to overcome the challenges that lay ahead. With their collective strength, they were ready to face whatever awaited them, prepared to fight for their peace and security
End of chapter 20

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