Chapter 38

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As Liko and Ash and misty were walking through the forest with their  friends Friede and Spinel, they suddenly heard a commotion up ahead. Without hesitation, they rushed towards the noise and found themselves face to face with Team Star. The notorious group of trainers had been causing trouble in the forest, and this time they had set their sights on Ash and his beloved Pikachu. Without a second thought, Team Star launched their attack, leaving Ash and Pikachu injured and defenseless. Liko and Friede quickly sprang into action, using their own Pokemon to fend off the attackers. Despite their efforts, Pikachu was once again hurt, causing Liko's heart to ache with worry. But amidst the chaos, Liko noticed a small mouse Pokemon that had been caught in the crossfire. Without hesitation, she rushed to its aid, using her trusty Hatenna Pokemon to heal its wounds. With the help of Friede and Spinel, they were able to defeat Team Star and protect the innocent Pokemon in the forest. Liko couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction as she watched the mouse Pokemon scurry away, safe and sound. It was moments like these that reminded her of the true power of friendship and the unbreakable bond between trainers and their Pokemon. And as they continued their journey through the forest, Liko couldn't help but feel grateful for the adventure, even with its challenges and dangers.
End of chapter 38

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