Chapter 37

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Roy and ash and misty and liko and spinel are helping found out that archaeological dig causing krokorok and krookodile are freaking out. The team of Roy, Ash, Misty, Liko, and Spinel had been called in to investigate a strange occurrence at an archaeological dig site. Reports had been coming in that the local Krokorok and Krookodile, two species of Pokémon known for their toughness and fierce nature, were acting out of character. They were seen running around frantically, digging up parts of the dig site and causing chaos. The team knew that something was amiss and they had to act quickly to find out the cause of this strange behavior. As they arrived at the site, they could see that the entire area was in disarray. Shovels, pickaxes, and other tools were scattered everywhere, and the ground was ripped up in several places. The Pokémon were still running around, seemingly in a panic. Roy and Ash quickly put their heads together and came up with a plan. Misty, Liko, and Spinel were tasked with calming down the Pokémon while Roy and Ash went to speak with the archaeologists in charge of the site. They learned that the dig had uncovered an ancient artifact that was believed to hold great power. The artifact was said to have the ability to control Pokémon and it seemed that it was causing the Krokorok and Krookodile to act out of character. The team knew they had to act fast before things got even more out of control. Roy and Ash, with the help of the archaeologists, were able to safely remove the artifact from the site. As soon as it was gone, the Pokémon calmed down and returned to their normal behavior. The team breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the archaeologists for their cooperation. They knew that the artifact had to be kept in a safe place where it couldn't cause any harm. With their mission accomplished, the team bid farewell to the site, grateful that they were able to restore order and protect the Pokémon from the dangerous artifact. From that day on, the team made a promise to always be on the lookout for any potential dangers that could harm the Pokémon and the people of their world.
End of chapter 37

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